Proceedings to the 27th workshop ’What Comes Beyond the Standard Models’, Bled, July 8.–17., 2024
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cosmologyKratka vsebina
This year was 27th time that our series of workshops on ”What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?” took place. The series started in 1998 with the idea of organising a workshop where participants would spend most of the time in discussions, confronting different approaches and ideas. The picturesque town of Bled by the lake of the same name, surrounded by beautiful mountains and offering pleasant walks, was chosen to stimulate the discussions. The idea was successful and has developed into an annual workshop, which is taking place every year since 1998. Very open-minded and fruitful discussions have become the trademark of our workshops, producing several published works. It took place in the house of Plemelj, which belongs to the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia.
We discussed in these twenty-seven years a lot of concepts which could help to understand our universe from the level of the second quantized elementary fermion and boson fields up to the level of the born of our universe. Trying to understand what the elementary constituents of our universe are and what are the laws of nature; physicists suggest theories and look for predictions which need confirmation of experiments and cosmological observations.


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