Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts
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The motto of EURALEX 2018 was “Lexicography in global contexts”, emphasising changes in the field of lexicography related to digital transformation, and the associated need to bring together lex-icographic efforts on a global level. This has been done in recent years through the Globalex initia-tive, a constellation of lexicographic associations that includes representatives from all continental associations of lexicography: Afrilex, Asialex, Australex, Dictionary Society of North America, and Euralex. Similar development can be witnessed in the decision of European Commission in 2017 to fund a four-year project dedicated to the establishment of the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS), which was also presented at the congress.
This volume of proceedings includes congress papers submitted in three categories: papers, posters, and software demonstrations. During the review process each submitted contribution was evaluated by two independent blind referees. In case of doubt, a third independent opinion was involved.
Has Lexicography Reaped the Full Benefit of the (Learner) Corpus Revolution?
Lexicography between NLP and Linguistics: Aspects of Theory and Practice
Investigating the Dictionary Use Strategies of Greek-speaking Pupils
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Dictionaries (But Were Afraid to Ask):A Massive Open Online Course
Researching Dictionary Needs of Language Users Through Social MediaA Semi-Automatic Approach
The DHmine Dictionary Work-flowCreating a Knowledge-based Author’s Dictionary
Analyzing User Behavior with Matomo in the Online Information System Grammis
Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Study on Dictionary Use
Nathanaël Duez lexicographel’art de (re)travailler les sources
A Workflow for Supplementing a Latvian-English Dictionary with Data from Parallel Corpora and a Reversed English-Latvian Dictionary
Towards a Representation of Citations in Linked Data Lexical Resources
The Sounds of a DictionaryDescription of Onomatopoeic Words in the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech
Comparing Orthographies in Space and Time through Lexicographic Resources
A Universal Classification of Lexical Categories and Grammatical Distinctions for Lexicographic and Processing Purposes
Commonly Confused Words in Contrastive and Dynamic Dictionary Entries
Slovenian Lexicographers at Work
Methodological issues of the compilation of the Polish Academy of Sciences Great Dictionary of Polish
Shareable Subentries in Lexonomy as a Solution to the Problem of Multiword Item Placement
A Good Matcha Dutch Collocation, Idiom and Pattern Dictionary Combined
ColloCaidA Real-time Tool to Help Academic Writers with English Collocations
Looking for a Needle in a HaystackSemi-automatic Creation of a Latvian Multi-word Dictionary from Small Monolingual Corpora
Semantic-based Retrieval of Complex Nominals in Terminographic Resources
Towards a Glossary of Rum Making and Rum Tasting
Russian Borrowings in Greek and Their Presence in Two Greek Dictionaries
Frame-based LexicographyPresenting Multiword Terms in a Technical E-dictionary
Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science / Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK)
When Learners Produce Specialized L2 TextsSpecialized Lexicography between Communication and Knowledge
New Platform for Georgian Online Terminological Dictionaries and Multilingual Dictionary Management System
Building a Portuguese Oenological Dictionaryfrom Corpus to Terminology via Co-occurrence Networks
Using Diachronic Corpora of Scientific Journal Articles for Complementing English Corpus-based Dictionaries and Lexicographical Resources for Specialized Languages
ELeFyS: A Greek Illustrated Science Dictionary for School
Terms Embraced by the General Public: How to Cope with Determinologization in the Dictionary?
Thesaurus of Modern SloveneBy the Community for the Community
Dictionary of Verbal Contexts for the Romanian Language
A Sample French-Serbian Dictionary Entry based on the ParCoLab Parallel Corpus
Lexicography in the Eighteenth-century Gran Chacothe Old Zamuco Dictionary by Ignace Chomé
Historical Corpus and Historical DictionaryMerging Two Ongoing Projects of Old French by Integrating their Editing Systems
Heritage Dictionaries, Historical Corpora and other SourcesEssential And Negligible Information
Authentic Examples in a Corpus-Based Sign Language Dictionary
Multimodal Corpus LexicographyCompiling a Corpus-based Bilingual Modern Greek – Greek Sign Language Dictionary
Bilingual Corpus LexicographyNew English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms
Computer-aided Analysis of Idiom Modifications in German
On the Detection of Neologism Candidates as a Basis for Language Observation and Lexicographic Endeavorsthe STyrLogism Project
Neologisms in Online British-English versus American-English Dictionaries
New German WordsDetection and Description
“Brexit means Brexit”A Corpus Analysis of Irish-language BREXIT Neologisms in The Corpus of Contemporary Irish
Synonymy in Modern Tatar reflected by the Tatar-Russian Socio-Political Thesaurus
Revision and Extension of the OIM DatabaseThe Italianisms in German
The Treatment of Politeness Elements in French-Korean Bilingual Dictionaries
Lexicography in the French Caribbean: An Assessment of Future Opportunities
The Dictionary of the Learned Level of Modern Greek
In Praise of SimplicityLexicographic Lightweight Markup Language
Corpus-based Cognitive LexicographyInsights into the Meaning and Use of the Verb Stagger
Polysemy and Sense Extension in Bilingual Lexicography
Associative Experiments as a Tool to Construct Dictionary Entries
Lexicographic Potential of the Syntactic Properties of VerbsThe Case of Reciprocity in Czech
LexBibA Corpus and Bibliography of Metalexicographical Publications
Process Nouns in DictionariesA Comparison of Slovak and Dutch
Definitions of Words in Everyday CommunicationAssociative Meaning from the Pragmatic Point of View
Verifying the General Academic Status of Academic VerbsAn Analysis of co-occurrence and Recurrence in Business, Linguistics and Medical Research Articles
Unified Data Modelling for Presenting Lexical DataThe Case of EKILEX
On the Interpretation of Etymologies in Dictionaries
The Virtual Research Environment of VerbaAlpina and its Lexicographic Function
Lexicographie et terminologie au XIXe siècleVocabularu romano-francesu [Vocabulaire roumain-français], de Ion Costinescu (1870)
Developing a Russian Database of Regular Semantic Relations Based on Word Embeddings
Semantic Classification of Tatar VerbsSelecting Relevant Parameters
Word2DictLemma Selection and Dictionary Editing Assisted by Word Embeddings
Building a Lexico-Semantic Resource Collaboratively
The CPLP CorpusA Pluricentric Corpus for the Common Portuguese Spelling Dictionary (VOC)
Málið.isA Web Portal for Information on the Icelandic Language
Multilingual Generation of Noun Valency Patterns for Extracting Syntactic-Semantical Knowledge from Corpora (MultiGenera)
A Lexicon of Albanian for Natural Language Processing
Building a Gold Standard for a Russian Collocations Database
Rethinking the role of digital author’s dictionaries in humanities research
European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS)
The EcoLexicon English Corpus as an Open Corpus in Sketch Engine
A Call for a Corpus-Based Sign Language DictionaryAn Overview of Croatian Sign Language Lexicography in the Early 21st Century
Exploring the Frequency and the Type of Users’ Digital Skills Using S.I.E.D.
From Standalone Thesaurus to Integrated Related Words in The Danish Dictionary
Exploratory and Text Searching Support in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language
Interactive Visualization of Dialectal Lexis Perspective of Research Using the Example of Georgian Electronic Dialect Atlas
The Dictionary of the Serbian Academy: from the Text to the Lexical Database
An Overview of FieldWorks and Related Programs for Collaborative Lexicography and Publishing Online or as a Mobile App
Wortschatz und Kollokationen in „Allgemeine Reisebedingungen“. Eine intralinguale und interlinguale Studie zum fachsprachlich-lexikographischen Projekt „Tourlex“
Advances in Synchronized XML-MediaWiki Dictionary Development in the Context of Endangered Uralic Languages
Linking Corpus Data to an Excerpt-based Historical Dictionary
Collocations Dictionary of Modern Slovene
Computerized Dynamic Assessment of Dictionary Use Ability
Creating a List of Headwords for a Lexical Resource of Spoken German
fLexiCoGraph: Creating and Managing Curated Graph-Based Lexicographical Data
Wordnet Consistency Checking via Crowdsourcing