The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After


Tvrtko Jakovina (ed)
Univerza v Zagrebu, Hrvaška
Martin Previšić (ed)
Univerza v Zagrebu, Hrvaška

Ključne besede:

Tito, Stalin, Jugoslavija, 1948, Kominform, Informbiro

Kratka vsebina

Filozofski fakulteti v Zagrebu in Ljubljani sta 29. in 30. junija 2018 organizirali mednarodno konferenco znanstvenikov iz desetih držav. Dogodek se je pričel s slavnostno otvoritvijo v spominskem parku Miroslava in Bele Krleže na dan sprejema resolucije Informbiroja ter s tem tudi izbruha spora, ki je ključno zaznamoval pot jugoslovanske notranje in zunanje politike. Pričujoči zbornik prinaša nekatere prispevke, ki so bili predstavljeni na konferenci.


  • Challenging the Cominform: Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years Later
    Tvrtko Jakovina, Martin Previšić
  • The Tito-Stalin Split of 1948 as a Personal Conflict
    Ivo Goldstein
  • Walking a Tightrope: Tito’s Regional Ambitions and the Cominform Resolution
    Petar Dragišić
  • Statements about Žujović and Hebrang from Party Cells
    Bojan Balkovec
  • The 1948 Split and a New Round of Factional Struggles within the Communist Party of Yugoslavia: Parallel Biographies and Histories
    Martin Previšić
  • The Repercussions of the Tito-Stalin Split in 1948 on the University of Belgrade
    Dragomir Bondžić
  • Cominform Supporters in Slovenia
    Aleš Gabrič
  • The Role of Russia and the Soviet Union in the History of Prekmurje
    Darja Kerec
  • Never-ending vigilance: The Yugoslav State Security Service and Cominform Supporters after Goli Otok
    Christian Axboe Nielsen
  • The Tito-Stalin Conflict: Yugoslavia as the Westernmost Part of the Eastern World
    Božo Repe
  • Yugoslav Communities in North America and the Tito-Stalin Split
    John P. Kraljic
  • Tito’s Traitorous Clique, Kangaroos and Croats: The Australian Tour of the Football Club Hajduk and the Fight against the Cominformists in Oceania in 1949
    Tvrtko Jakovina
  • The Tito-Stalin Split, the Italian Left and the Fascination with Anti-Stalinist Communism
    Stefano Bianchini
  • The Tito-Stalin Split and its Adriatic Dimension: Regional Rifts in a “Monolithic” Movement
    Karlo Ružičić-Kessler
  • Upside-down: Bilateral and Transnational Relations between Austria and Yugoslavia before and after 1948
    Maximilian Graf
  • Of Lightning Strikes and Bombs: The Tito-Stalin Split and its Effects on Polish and East German Society
    David G. Tompkins
  • Cominformist Emigrants in Hungary (1948–1953): Social Composition, Anti-Titoist Activities, Political Trials
    Péter Vukman
  • Confusion among the Communists: Yugoslavia, China and the 1948 Resolution of the Cominform
    Zvonimir Stopić, Yunxiao Li


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20 August 2020


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Kako citirati

Jakovina, T., & Previšić, M. (Eds.). (2020). The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After: Vol. Historia 31. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.