Celebrating the International Council for Traditional Music: Reflections on the First Seven Decades


Svanibor Pettan (ed)
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
Naila Ceribašić (ed)
Inštitut za etnologijo in folkloristiko, Zagreb; Univerza v Zagrebu, Hrvaška
Don Niles (ed)
Inštitut za papuanske študije

Ključne besede:

ICTM, tradicijska glasba, etnomuzikologija, etnokoreologija

Kratka vsebina

Celebrating the International Council for Traditional Music: Reflections on the First Seven Decades (Praznovanje Mednarodnega združenja za tradicijsko glasbo: razmišljanja o prvih sedmih desetletjih) povezuje razmišljanja več kot sto znanstvenikov z različnih koncev sveta o zgodovini, trenutni dinamiki in perspektivah združenja, ki je do leta 1980 bilo znano kot International Folk Music Council (Mednarodno združenje za ljudsko glasbo). Eseji slonijo na spoznanjih, pridobljenih s pomočjo študija zgodovinskih virov in arhivskih gradiv, kar je v mnogih primerih združeno z osebnimi izkušnjami avtorjev in njihovim ponotranjenim pisanjem o posameznih tematskih sklopih. 

Knjiga, ki je razdeljena na dele o nastanku in delovanju združenja, upravljanju, znanstvenih srečanjih, študijskih skupinah, publikacijah in akumuliranem znanju ter o pogledih posameznih članov, na sistematičen in izčrpen način predstavlja prvih sedem desetletij obstoja te vodilne mednarodne organizacije etnomuzikologov in etnokoreologov. Je daleč najbolj ambiciozna publikacija o zgodovini združenja in o njegovem mestu v akademskem in družbenopolitičnem kontekstu glasbenih in plesnih študij v svetovnem merilu.


  • Preface
    Svanibor Pettan
  • Introduction
    Svanibor Pettan, Naila Ceribašić, Don Niles
  • The Origins and Establishment of the International Folk Music Council
    Don Niles
  • Maud Karpeles: Her Contribution to Dance Research and to the Council
    Theresa Jill Buckland, Elsie Ivancich Dunin, Catherine E. Foley, Liz Mellish, Jeanette Mollenhauer, Ivona Opetcheska-Tatarchevska, Derek Schofield, Stephanie Smith, Daniela Stavělová
  • The Council’s By-laws: From Provisional Constitution to Statutes, Memoranda, and Guidelines
    Don Niles
  • The World Network
    Svanibor Pettan
  • Meditating on Ideology in the History of IFMC/ICTM
    Bruno Nettl
  • The Council, the USSR, and the Issue of Political and Ideological Boundaries
    Razia Sultanova
  • ICTM Archive
    Lee Anne Proberts, Stephen Wild, Kim Woo
  • Ralph Vaughan Williams: IFMC President, 1947–1958
    Don Niles
  • Jaap Kunst: IFMC President, 1959–1960
    Wim van Zanten
  • Zoltán Kodály: IFMC President, 1961–1967
    Pál Richter
  • Willard Rhodes: IFMC President, 1967–1973
    Anthony Seeger
  • Klaus Wachsmann: IFMC President, 1973–1977
    Anthony Seeger
  • Poul Rovsing Olsen: IFMC/ICTM President, 1977–1982
    Peter Cooke
  • Erich Stockmann: ICTM President, 1982–1997
    Krister Malm
  • Anthony Seeger: ICTM President, 1997–1999
    Anthony Seeger
  • Krister Malm: ICTM President, 1999–2005
    Krister Malm
  • Adrienne L. Kaeppler: ICTM President, 2005–2013
    Adrienne L. Kaeppler
  • Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco: ICTM President, 2013–2021
    Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
  • An Overview of the IFMC/ICTM Executive Board
    Carlos Yoder
  • The Secretariat under Maud Karpeles: London, UK, 1947–1963
    Jeanette Mollenhauer
  • The Secretariat under Robin Band, Barbara Krader, Felicia Stallman, Christian Ejlers, and Connie Matthews: London, UK, and Copenhagen, Denmark, 1963–1969
    Don Niles, Carlos Yoder
  • The Secretariat under Graham George: Kingston, Canada, 1969–1980
    Beverley Diamond
  • The Secretariat under Dieter Christensen: New York, USA, 1981–2001
    Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
  • The Secretariat under Anthony Seeger: Los Angeles, USA, 2001–2005
    Anthony Seeger
  • The Secretariat under Stephen Wild: Canberra, Australia, 2006–2011
    Stephen Wild
  • The Secretariat under Svanibor Pettan: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011–2017
    Svanibor Pettan
  • The Secretariat under Ursula Hemetek: Vienna, Austria, 2017–2021
    Ursula Hemetek
  • World Conferences, General Assemblies, and Festivals
    Ursula Hemetek, Krister Malm
  • Symposia
    Don Niles
  • Colloquia
    Ricardo D. Trimillos
  • Fora
    Svanibor Pettan
  • ICTM Study Groups: Origins and Issues
    Don Niles
  • ICTM Study Group on African Musics
    Patricia Opondo
  • ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology
    Huib Schippers
  • ICTM Study Group on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology
    Enrique Cámara de Landa, Leonardo D’Amico
  • ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology
    Elsie Ivancich Dunin, Catherine E. Foley
  • ICTM Study Group on Global History of Music
    Razia Sultanova
  • ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources
    Ingrid Åkesson, Susanne Ziegler
  • ICTM Study Group on Iconography of the Performing Arts
    Zdravko Blažeković
  • ICTM Study Group on Maqām
    Alexander Djumaev
  • ICTM Study Group on Mediterranean Music Studies
    Ruth F. Davis
  • ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music
    Ardian Ahmedaja
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia
    Richard K. Wolf
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Marita Fornaro Bordolli
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe
    Velika Stojkova Serafimovska
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of Oceania
    Brian Diettrich, Kirsty Gillespie, Barbara B. Smith
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World
    Ulrich Morgenstern
  • ICTM Study Group on Music and Minorities
    Ursula Hemetek
  • ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology
    Arnd Adje Both
  • ICTM Study Group on Music, Education and Social Inclusion
    Sara Selleri
  • ICTM Study Group on Music, Gender, and Sexuality
    Barbara L. Hampton
  • ICTM Study Group on Music in the Arab World
    Scheherazade Q. Hassan
  • ICTM Study Group on Music of the Turkic-speaking World
    Razia Sultanova
  • ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments
    Gisa Jähnichen
  • ICTM Study Group on Musics of East Asia
    Helen Rees, Naoko Terauchi, Ying-fen Wang
  • ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia
    Patricia Matusky, Wayland Quintero
  • ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences
    Rafael Caro Repetto, Lara Pearson, Kendra Stepputat
  • Committee on Radio/Television and Sound/Film Archives
    Krister Malm
  • Some Reflections Concerning the Study Group on Analysis and Systematization of Folk Music and Other Early Study Groups
    Oskár Elschek
  • ICTM Study Group on Computer Aided Research
    Ewa Dahlig-Turek
  • The Council’s Journal
    Don Niles
  • The Bulletin
    Ursula Hemetek, Carlos Yoder
  • Other Council Publications
    Don Niles
  • ICTM, UNESCO, and Scholarly Expertise in the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 
    Wim van Zanten
  • ICTM and Its Members: Views from Around the World
    Daniel Kodzo Avorgbedor, Kirsty Gillespie, María Gabriela López-Yánez, Mohd Anis Md Nor, Jennifer C. Post, Selena Rakočević


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21 July 2022

Kako citirati

Pettan, S., Ceribašić, N., & Niles, D. (Eds.). (2022). Celebrating the International Council for Traditional Music: Reflections on the First Seven Decades. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. https://doi.org/10.4312/978-961-7128-39-0