Supervision in Social Work: Learning from Success
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Supervision, Social WorkKratka vsebina
The work before us has several advantages. First and foremost, Petra is a social worker who uses her understanding of social work to lead the supervision process. And most importantly, she is respectful. She does not see supervision as something you do on the side. She sees it as an obvious part of social work practice, a foundation for the development of the profession as a science and the development of the practitioner.
Today, it is very clear that what really ennobles social work and what is deemed as good and the best of social work is that we focus on the ability, the will and the commitment to engage with people, to be with them, to offer them help and support, to collaborate and to co-create change.
And these are elements that we are already using in supervision.
Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, Professor Emeritus


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