Proceedings of the 4th conference on CMC and social media corpora for the humanities


Darja Fišer (ed)
Michael Beißwenger (ed)

Ključne besede:

komentarji na spleti, emotikoni, jezik tviterašev, alfanumerični znaki

Kratka vsebina

Zbornik četrte mednarodne konference o računalniško posredovani komunikaciji med drugim predstavlja analizo uporabe emotikonov v komentarjih na spletu, uporabo alfanumeričnih znakov med slovenskimi tviteraši, analizo jezika tviterašev itn.


  • Preface
    Darja Fišer, Michael Beißwenger
  • Table of Contents
  • Constructing E-Language Corpora
    a focus on CorCenCC (The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh)
    Dawn Knight
  • Sentiment of Emojis
    Petra Kralj Novak
  • Syntactic Annotation of Slovene CMC
    First Steps
    Darja Fišer, Špela Arhar Holdt, Tomaž Erjavec, Simon Krek
  • (Best) Practices for Annotating and Representing CMC and Social Media Corpora in CLARIN-D
    Michael Beißwenger, Eric Ehrhard, Axel Herold, Harald Lüngen, Angelika Storrer
  • Grammatical Frequencies and Gender in Nordic Twitter Englishes
    Steven Coats
  • Framework for an Analysis of Slovene Regional Language Variants on Twitter
    Jaka Čibej
  • Analysis of Sentiment Labeling of Slovene User-Generated Content
    Darja Fišer, Tomaž Erjavec
  • Compilation and Annotation of the Discourse-structured Blog Corpus for German
    Holger Grumt Suárez, Natali Karlova-Bourbonus, Henning Lobin
  • Expressiveness in Flemish Online Teenage Talk
    A Corpus-Based Analysis of Social and Medium-Related Linguistic Variation
    Lisa Hilte, Reinhild Vandekerckhove, Walter Daelemans
  • French Wikipedia Talk Pages: Profiling and Conflict Detection
    Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac, Véronika Laippala, Céline Poudat, Ludovic Tanguy
  • Slovene Twitter Analytics
    Darja Fišer, Nikola Ljubešić
  • A Textometrical Analysis of French Arts Workers “fr.Intermittents” on Twitter
    Julien Longhi, Dalia Saigh
  • The Use of Alphanumeric Symbols in Slovene Tweets
    Dafne Marko
  • A Multilingual Social Media Linguistic Corpus
    Simon Krek, Luis Rei, Dunja Mladenić
  • Political Discourse in Polish Internet – Corpus of Highly Emotive Internet Discussions
    Antoni Sobkowicz
  • Topic Ontologies of the Slovene Blogosphere
    A Gender Perspective
    Iza Škrjanec, Senja Pollak
  • A Multimodal Analysis of Task Instructions for Webconferencing-supported L2 Interactions: A Pilot Study of the ISMAEL Corpus
    Ciara R. Wigham, H. Müge Satar
  • Linguistic Characteristics of Dutch Computer-Mediated Communication
    CMC and School Writing Compared
    Lieke Verheijen
  • Linguistic Analysis of Emotions in Online News Comments - an Example of the Eurovision Song Contest
    Darja Fišer, Ana Zwitter Vitez
  • Alternative Endings of Slovene Verbs in Third Person Plural
    A Corpus Approach
    Dafne Marko, Iza Škrjanec, Gašper Pesek
  • Geolocating German on Twitter Hitches and Glitches of Building and Exploring a Twitter Corpus
    Bettina Larl, Eva Zangerle
  • The #Intermittent Corpus
    Corpus Features, Ethics and Workflow for a CMC Corpus of Tweets in TEI
    Julien Longhi
  • The Construction of a Teletandem Multimodal Data Bank
    Queila Barbosa Lopes
  • Graphic Euphemisms in Slovenian CMC
    Mija Michelizza, Urška Vranjek Ošlak
  • Author Index


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27 June 2018

Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji

ISBN-13 (15)


Kako citirati

Fišer, D., & Beißwenger, M. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings of the 4th conference on CMC and social media corpora for the humanities. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.