Proceedings of the 4th conference on CMC and social media corpora for the humanities
Ključne besede:
komentarji na spleti, emotikoni, jezik tviterašev, alfanumerični znakiKratka vsebina
Zbornik četrte mednarodne konference o računalniško posredovani komunikaciji med drugim predstavlja analizo uporabe emotikonov v komentarjih na spletu, uporabo alfanumeričnih znakov med slovenskimi tviteraši, analizo jezika tviterašev itn.
Table of Contents
Constructing E-Language Corporaa focus on CorCenCC (The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh)
Sentiment of Emojis
Syntactic Annotation of Slovene CMCFirst Steps
(Best) Practices for Annotating and Representing CMC and Social Media Corpora in CLARIN-D
Grammatical Frequencies and Gender in Nordic Twitter Englishes
Framework for an Analysis of Slovene Regional Language Variants on Twitter
Analysis of Sentiment Labeling of Slovene User-Generated Content
Compilation and Annotation of the Discourse-structured Blog Corpus for German
Expressiveness in Flemish Online Teenage TalkA Corpus-Based Analysis of Social and Medium-Related Linguistic Variation
French Wikipedia Talk Pages: Profiling and Conflict Detection
Slovene Twitter Analytics
A Textometrical Analysis of French Arts Workers “fr.Intermittents” on Twitter
The Use of Alphanumeric Symbols in Slovene Tweets
A Multilingual Social Media Linguistic Corpus
Political Discourse in Polish Internet – Corpus of Highly Emotive Internet Discussions
Topic Ontologies of the Slovene BlogosphereA Gender Perspective
A Multimodal Analysis of Task Instructions for Webconferencing-supported L2 Interactions: A Pilot Study of the ISMAEL Corpus
Linguistic Characteristics of Dutch Computer-Mediated CommunicationCMC and School Writing Compared
Linguistic Analysis of Emotions in Online News Comments - an Example of the Eurovision Song Contest
Alternative Endings of Slovene Verbs in Third Person PluralA Corpus Approach
Geolocating German on Twitter Hitches and Glitches of Building and Exploring a Twitter Corpus
The #Intermittent CorpusCorpus Features, Ethics and Workflow for a CMC Corpus of Tweets in TEI
The Construction of a Teletandem Multimodal Data Bank
Graphic Euphemisms in Slovenian CMC
Author Index
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27 June 2018
Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji
ISBN-13 (15)
Kako citirati
Fišer, D., & Beißwenger, M. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings of the 4th conference on CMC and social media corpora for the humanities. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.