The Development of the Supervised Practice of Psychologists in Slovenia


Anja Podlesek (ed)

Ključne besede:

psychology, supervised practice

Kratka vsebina

In the period from 2015 to 2016, within the framework of the Norwegian financial mechanism 2009-2014, we obtained an opportunity with the project “Supervised Practice of Psychologists: Development of a Training Programme of Mentors and a Model of the Supervised Practice – SUPER PSIHOLOG” to establish conditions for young psychologists to start their professional careers by participating in supervised practice. Along these lines, an opportunity to develop a sustainable culture of inclusion among Slovenian psychologists in supervision has emerged. This book, which we created within the SUPER PSIHOLOG project, is intended for and dedicated to all psychologists, in particular novice psychologists, supervisors, and supervisors-of-supervisors. It clarifies why mentoring and supervision are important, and demonstrates how to implement supervised practice, with the creators of the supervised practice system in Slovenia sharing the experiences acquired during the implementation of the project. The aim of the book is thus to present the development of supervised practice in Slovenia, and it will enhance understanding of why we developed such a system and how this may be helpful to professionals working in related fields, or fellow psychologists in other countries, in their attempts to develop a similar system in their profession or environment.


  • Preface and Acknowledgements
  • Kazalo
  • Foreword
    Sissel Reichelt, Carol A. Falender
  • Importance of the Mentoring and Supervision of Early Career Psychologists
    Vlasta Zabukovec
  • Supervision: Definition and Functions of Supervision, Models of Supervision, and Supervisory Alliances
    Maša Žvelc
  • The Situation in the Field of Traineeship for Psychologists in Slovenia
    Vlasta Zabukovec
  • About the SUPER PSIHOLOG project
    Anja Podlesek
  • Transfer of the Experiences of the Norwegian Psychological Association to Slovenia
    Per A. Straumsheim, Eva Danielsen, Bjarte Kyte, Mona Duckert
  • Importance of the Training of Supervisors and the Outline of the Training Programme in SUPER PSIHOLOG
    Anja Podlesek
  • Competence-based Approach to the Supervised Practice
    Anja Podlesek
  • Development of the Mentoring Relationship
    Vlasta Zabukovec
  • Developing the Skills for Supervision
    Bjarte Kyte, Mona Duckert
  • Psychology Ethics in Supervision
    Vita Poštuvan
  • Supervision as Care for (Physical and) Mental Health
    Vita Poštuvan
  • Development of the Supervised Practice of Psychologists
    Anja Podlesek, Katarina Kocbek
  • Development of the Supervision of Supervisors
    Julija Pelc
  • Case of the Internship Experience in the SUPER PSIHOLOG Project
    Mojca Poredoš
  • Case of Supervision-of-Supervision Experience in the SUPER PSIHOLOG Project:
    Journey of One of the Supervisory Groups
    Julija Pelc
  • Case of the Supervised Practice Experience in the SUPER PSIHOLOG Project
    Nastja Salmič Tisovec, Tina Podlogar, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy
  • Evaluation of the Training Programme of Supervisors
    Anja Podlesek, Vita Poštuvan, Katarina Kocbek, Tina Podlogar, Tina Pirc, Martina Ulčar
  • Evaluation of the Internship
    Anja Podlesek, Vlasta Zabukovec, Simona Painkret
  • Evaluation of the Supervised Practice I:
    Reports by Supervisors and Supervisees and Assessment of their Competences
    Anja Podlesek, Katarina Kocbek, Katja Ponikvar
  • Evaluation of the Supervised Practice II:
    Comparison between the Efficacy of the Supervised Practice and Other Modalities of Training of Novice Psychologists
    Anja Podlesek, Katarina Kocbek, Sonja Bučar, Tea Skrbinšek
  • Evaluation of Supervision of Supervisors
    Vita Poštuvan, Julija Pelc, Mateja Štirn, Blanka Tacer, Andreja Rihter, Anita Kovačik, Sabina Čepon
  • The Evaluation of the SUPER PSIHOLOG Project
    Julija Škarabot Plesničar
  • Guidelines for the Implementation of the Supervised Practice of Psychologists
    Anja Podlesek, Vlasta Zabukovec, Per A. Straumsheim, Eva Danielsen, Bjarte Kyte, Mona Duckert, Vita Poštuvan, Katarina Kocbek, Julija Pelc, Tina Pirc, Katja Ponikvar, Sonja Bučar, Mateja Štirn
  • Summary
  • Subject index
  • References


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28 June 2018

Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji

ISBN-13 (15)


Kako citirati

Podlesek, A. (Ed.). (2018). The Development of the Supervised Practice of Psychologists in Slovenia. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.