102 ENGLISH TIPS: Another Quick Guide to Avoiding “Slovenglish”
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English mistakes made by SloveniansKratka vsebina
This booklet is a catalogue of favourite English mistakes made primarily (but not only!) by Slovenians. As its title hints, 102 English Tips: Another Quick Guide to Avoiding “Slovenglish” is a follow-up to 101 English Tips: A Quick Guide to Avoiding “Slovenglish.” The overwhelming majority of student mistakes are covered explicitly in these two guides. That’s worth repeating: the overwhelming majority of student mistakes are covered explicitly in these two guides. Study these two guides and you’re guaranteed to improve your written English significantly.
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5 July 2018
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ISBN-13 (15)
Kako citirati
Blake, J., & Stopar, A. (2018). 102 ENGLISH TIPS: Another Quick Guide to Avoiding “Slovenglish”. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789612376772