Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem: Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan


Matija Črešnar (ed)
Manca Vinazza (ed)


Biba Teržan, slavnostni zbornik


Srečanja in vplivi se zrcalijo skozi delo prof. Bibe Teržan pri proučevanju arheoloških pojavov v lokalnem, regionalnem ali nadregionalnem okolju, pa naj bo na nivoju posameznikov v družbi ali na nivojih širših skupnosti. So pomembni, a težko oprijemljivi in razumljivi motorji, ki se nam v svojih materializiranih oblikah kažejo v arheoloških najdbah, kontekstih, najdiščih in krajinah ter najbolj izrazito, a zagonetno zakodirano, na umetniških stvaritvah, kakršne so na primer situlski spomeniki …


  • Uvodnik
    Matija Črešnar, Manca Vinazza
  • Tabula gratulatoria
  • Bibliografija akad. zasl. prof. dr. Bibe Teržan med leti 1973 in 2017
    Danijela Udovič
  • Seznam mentorstev akad. zasl. prof. dr. Bibe Teržan pri doktorskih disertacijah, magistrskih in diplomskih delih, nastalih na Oddelku za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
  • Unusual prehistory of shaft-hole axes
    Peter Turk, Vesna Svetličič
  • From the first photo to the first radiocarbon date. A Vučedol pile dwelling site in the Ljubljansko barje
    Elena Leghissa
  • Krška jama – place of eternal rest in the Middle Bronze Age
    Ida Murgelj
  • New discoveries at the prehistoric settlement in Svetje near Medvode
    Gregor Gruden, Alenka Julijana Berdnik, Rok Klasinc
  • Pyraunoi from Slovenian sites. A contribution to the knowledge of a special type of hearth ceramics and of food preparation in prehistory
    Teja Gerbec
  • Late Bronze and Iron Age hoard finds from Dolenje Ravne near Cerkno and Sv. Jakob in the Kanalski Kolovrat Hills
    Tina Nanut
  • Considerations about the Late Bronze Age communities in Ljubljana as revealed by their funerary practices and attires
    Brina Škvor Jernejčič
  • Synchronicity – a significant coincidence of the Late Bronze Age
    Martina Blečić Kavur, Boris Kavur, Marija Lubšina Tušek
  • Bronze pendants – signs of trans-Adriatic connections in the Late Bronze Age
    Miha Kunstelj
  • Pertosa (Peschiera) fibula from the Petrovac hillfort in Istria (Croatia)
    Kristina Mihovilić
  • Prehistoric funerary remains from Novi trg in Ljubljana
    Luka Gruškovnjak, Manca Omahen, Borut Toškan
  • A contribution to the study of the valley of the Selška dolina in the (Early) Iron Age
    Lucija Grahek
  • New insights about the defence system of the prehistoric hillfort at Brecljev hrib in the Gorenjska region, Slovenia
    Matej Draksler, Petra Vojaković
  • Remains of prehistoric furnaces below the Puštal hillfort above Trnje near Škofja Loka
    Petra Vojaković, Tamara Leskovar
  • Non-invasive research of barrows, monuments of the Early Iron Age below Poštela near Maribor
    Matija Črešnar, Branko Mušič, Igor Medarić, Barbara Horn
  • Prehistoric settlement on Sv. Ana above Vrhpeč, archaeological excavation in 2013
    Otmar Kovač
  • Lady with earrings from Grofove njive near Drnovo
    Daša Pavlovič
  • In the hinterland of Sv. Lucija. A contribution to the archaeological topography of Šentviška planota
    Boštjan Laharnar
  • Forgotten Early Iron Age cemetery from Tupelče in the Kras region?
    Manca Vinazza
  • A contribution to the study of the Late Iron Age social structure. The case of the Kapiteljska njiva necropolis in Novo mesto
    Vojka Cestnik


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August 21, 2018

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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Črešnar, M., & Vinazza, M. (Eds.). (2018). Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem: Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan. University of Ljubljana Press.