Femininity in the female music since 1918: Views of some smaller musical cultures in Europe
female composers, femininity, 20th centurySynopsis
The volume offers thirteen views on the creativity of female composers and the issue of femininity in music. It addresses the femininity in those European musical cultures after 1918 that are usually considered as smaller. Clearly, this smallness of a musical culture should be understood entirely in the relational sense of the word, the bigger musical cultures have been long posing such questions and are offering a series of heterogeneous answers over the years. What is female in the music of female composers is today for many almost superfluous questions: most of the contributions confirm that the composers today prefer to be seen merely as composers rather than womencomposers. Today, femininity seems to be hardly an issue in the discourses on musical creativity. Gender is becoming tellingly absent – as it was loudly present in the recent past. What does this turn mean?
Zborniku o ženskosti v glasbi po 1918 na pot
Femininity in the female music since 1918: views on some smaller musical cultures in Europe
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