Močni, modri in dobri: Junaki v slovenski folklori


Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Božidar Jezernik (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


folklore heroes, Slovenian space, national identity, everyday life


In the study of folklore heroes, an open disciplinary approach is essential. Research to date namely shows that heroes are created on the basis of mythological, historical, religious worlds, that they exist not only in folklore in the classic sense, but also in literature, the fine arts, the media. This is why clear boundaries cannot be drawn between, for example, the historical, mythological, literary, or folk hero. Consequently the ranks of folklore heroes are mostly joined by individuals engraved into some, or several, of the forms of folklore expression. In other words: “The folk hero is not a historical personality but the image or representation of that individual within folklore” (Seal and Kennedy White 2013: xxix). Analogous holds true for the literary heroes who were folklorised, or the saints who were received especially well by the people. In the opposite process, “true” folk heroes have also undergone literarisation, entering into spheres of film, contemporary popular culture, and other aspects of the public consciousness. Becoming, perhaps, folklore the more.


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November 6, 2019

How to Cite

Slavec Gradišnik, I., & Jezernik, B. (Eds.). (2019). Močni, modri in dobri: Junaki v slovenski folklori. University of Ljubljana Press.