Pohorsko Podravje Three Millennia Ago: Tradition and Innovation in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages


Biba Teržan, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Matija Črešnar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Teja Gerbec, Goriški muzej, Nova Gorica, Slovenia; Lucija Grahek, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Mihela Kajzer, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor, Slovenia; Vesna Koprivnik, Regional Museum Maribor, Slovenia; Bine Kramberger, Institute for the protection of cultural heritage of Slovenia, Centre for preventive archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Tamara Leskovar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Mira Strmčnik Gulič, Institute for the protection of cultural heritage of Slovenia, Maribor, Slovenia; Iztok Štamfelj, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Slovenia; Jayne-Leigh Thomas, Indiana University, Bloomington, United States; Tatjana Tomazo-Ravnik, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia; Borut Toškan, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Archaeology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Rafko Urankar, PJP d.o.o., Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia


settlement processes, habitation remains, lowland settlements, necropoleis, archaeometric analyses, archaeozoological analyses, anthropological analyses


Numerous new archaeological sites have come to light in the last three decades, mainly during the rescue excavations conducted in advance of motorway constructions across Slovenia. The same is true for Pohorsko Podravje as well. In course of these campaigns, quite densely spaced settlements from the Late Bronze Age have been unearthed, which was surprising considering that the knowledge up to these excavations did not hint at such a settlement pattern in the area. Pohorsko Podravje has since been the focus of a special research project aimed at studying the newly discovered archaeological finds and gaining new insights into the habitation remains and settlement processes on the plain of the Dravsko polje and the fringes of the Pohorje Mountains in the centuries of the late 2nd and early 1st millennia BC. This was a time of the Urnfield culture with its peaks and declines, the last of which also led to a new age – the Early Iron Age and the Hallstatt culture.

This book was published by Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts and the National Museum of Slovenia.


  • Preface
    Biba Teržan, Matija Črešnar
  • History of research of the Late Bronze Age in north-eastern Slovenia
    Matija Črešnar
  • Orehova vas near Maribor – A settlement of the Late Bronze Age (Rogoza–Orehova vas horizon)
    Lucija Grahek
  • Pobrežje in Maribor – A settlement of the Late Urnfield Period
    Matija Črešnar, Bine Kramberger
  • Hotinja vas – A settlement of the Early Iron Age on the plain of Dravsko polje
    Teja Gerbec
  • Pobrežje in Maribor – Graves of the Late Urnfield Period
    Vesna Koprivnik
  • Gračič below Brinjeva gora – A necropolis of the Urnfield Period
    Catalogue of graves and grave goods
    Vesna Koprivnik
  • Gračič below Brinjeva gora – A necropolis of the Urnfield Period
    Analysis of the grave-good compositions and social structure
    Biba Teržan, Vesna Koprivnik
  • Gračič below Brinjeva gora – A necropolis of the Urnfield Period
    Chronological outline
    Biba Teržan
  • Rogoza near Maribor – Tumuli of the Early Iron Age
    Matija Črešnar
  • Early Iron Age tumuli under Poštela
    Biba Teržan
  • Early Iron Age tumuli under Poštela
    Large tumulus above Razvanje
    Mihela Kajzer, Bine Kramberger, Mira Strmčnik Gulič
  • Early Iron Age tumuli under Poštela
    Tumulus 14 at Pivola
    Biba Teržan, Mira Strmčnik Gulič
  • Early Iron Age tumuli under Poštela
    Tumulus 13 at Pivola
    Biba Teržan, Matija Črešnar, Bine Kramberger
  • Early Iron Age tumuli under Poštela
    Chronological outline of Tumuli 13 and 14 from Pivola and the Great tumulus (Velika gomila) above Razvanje
    Biba Teržan
  • Chemical analyses of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age grave goods from Pohorsko Podravje
    Matija Črešnar, Rafko Urankar
  • Horse remains from the Velika gomila tumulus above Razvanje
    Borut Toškan
  • Anthropological analyses – Introduction
    Matija Črešnar, Tamara Leskovar
  • Anthropological analysis of cremated human remains from Pohorsko Podravje and Prekmurje
    Jayne-Leigh Thomas
  • Anthropological analysis of cremated human remains from Early Iron Age burial mounds near Poštela
    Tamara Leskovar
  • Brezje below Brinjeva gora, Middle Bronze Age
    Anthropological analyses of the skeletons from the tumulus
    Tatjana Tomazo-Ravnik
  • Brezje below Brinjeva gora, Middle Bronze Age
    Anthropological analysis of human remains from four graves from the tumulus
    Jayne-Leigh Thomas
  • Brezje below Brinjeva gora, Middle Bronze Age
    Analysis of human teeth and jaws from graves from the tumulus
    Iztok Štamfelj
  • Conclusion
    Biba Teržan, Matija Črešnar


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April 23, 2021


How to Cite

Teržan, B., & Črešnar, M. (2021). Pohorsko Podravje Three Millennia Ago: Tradition and Innovation in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789610604198