The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia: Traditional Humanisms, Modern Alienation, and the Rhetorics of Contemporary Ideologies: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
relational societies, health care, politics, artistic activism, psyche, corpus analysisSynopsis
This volume, which includes contributions by members of the Asian Languages and Cultures program group, was prepared as part of the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. In 2021, this department is therefore celebrating a quarter of a century of its existence. But the same year will also be remembered - not only by the department, but by the whole world - for another event that will greatly change the world and our stay in it. It is the viral COVID-19 pandemic, which broke out in 2020 and had its biggest and most infamous upsurge in 2021. This book, which deals with the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia, shows from different angles that there is a gap between the ideology of anti-epidemic measures on the one hand and the reality of their implementation on the other. But it also shows that there is a treasure trove of knowledge in East Asia that we can - or should - use to deal constructively and sustainably with the current crisis and many others that may follow.
Zborniku na potUvod
Tradicionalna siniška relacijska etika in organizacija družbe v kriznih časih virusnih epidemij
»Brezzvezna« japonska družba in prakse pripadanja v času pandemije
Covid-19 na JaponskemDržava in tujci
Koronavirus v Severni Koreji ter njegov vpliv na sodelovanje med Južno in Severno Korejo na področju zdravstva
Izvor in razvoj koncepta tesnobe na Kitajskem in njegove manifestacije v obdobju pandemije covida-19
Etična izhodišča staroindijskih kognitivnih modelovPredstavitev problema strahu in pohlepa v Abhidhammi
Odziv japonskih umetnikov na koronavirusPercepcija folklore yōkaija in njena popularizacija
Primerjalna korpusna analiza vsebine nagovorov voditeljev držav v zvezi s pandemijo covida-19
Dnevne novice na temo covida-19 skozi prizmo Nacionalne zdravstvene komisije Ljudske republike Kitajske
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