What Is a Samurai Doing Here? East Asian Objects from the Celje Regional Museum Collection: Catalogue of the Temporary Exhibition


Barbara Trnovec, Celje Regional Museum, Slovenia; Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Maja Veselič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Mina Grčar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Klara Hrvatin, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Helena Motoh, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia; Bojan Šibenik; Nataša Visočnik Gerželj, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Manca Jedretič; Darian Kocmur; Ruby Knap; Vid Seth Peterson


provenance, samurai equipment, lacquered objects, fans, incense burners, statuettes, missionary scroll


The Celje Regional Museum keeps an interesting collection of objects of East Asian origin. These include samurai equipment, a missionary scroll, lacquered objects, two elephant-shaped incense burners and two painted fans. What is the provenance of these items? Who were the collectors of these objects? When and how did they acquire them? What motivated them to do so? The temporary exhibition What Is a Samurai Doing Here? and the present catalogue attempt to answer some of these questions.


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June 1, 2021

How to Cite

Grčar, M., Hrvatin, K., Motoh, H., Šibenik, B., Visočnik Gerželj, N., Jedretič, M., Kocmur, D., Knap, R., & Peterson, V. S. (2021). What Is a Samurai Doing Here? East Asian Objects from the Celje Regional Museum Collection: Catalogue of the Temporary Exhibition (B. Trnovec, N. Vampelj Suhadolnik, & M. Veselič , Eds.). University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789610604655