Art and Nature
Ključne besede:
umetnost, narava, krajina, krajinska umetnost, okoljska umetnostKratka vsebina
Art and Nature je zbornik prispevkov, predstavljenih na 6. mednarodni konferenci za doktorske in podoktorske študente humanističnih in družboslovnih ved (6th International Conference for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students in Humanities and Social Sciences), ki je potekala na spletu 8. oktobra 2021. Poglavja v tej knjigi predstavljajo različne metodologije in načine, ki so jih vizualni umetniki uporabljali skozi stoletja za predstavljanje, premišljanje o in interakcijo z naravnim svetom. Prispevki obravnavajo raznolike teme, kot je pragmatični pogled na naravni svet v interpretaciji narave v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih, umetniških kontekstih in posameznih umetniških opusih.
A Virtual Menagerie Fit for a RulerJohan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen’s Brazilian Images and Their Role in Dutch Colonial Propaganda
Taming the (Super)NaturalNegotiating and Appropriating the Powers of Heaven and Hades in Late Medieval Eastern Christian Monasticism
Birds, Flowers and CrocodilesThe Nilotic Pavement in the House of Leontis
Johann Moritz Rugendas’ Brazil and American Landscapes and Humboldt’s Idea of Nature
Landscapes in Shaping Nordic National Identity through Ephemeral-Perpetual Green Midsummer and White Winter in Romantic Art
Toxic BeautyContemporary Art Responding to Industrial Disaster
CapitaloceneArtistic Reflections on Corporate Responsibility for Climate Change
Breeding and Depicting Chameleons between the Court of Louis XIV and the Port of Livorno
Roger RaveelProviding a New Vision of the Complex Rural Landscape
“Sacra Natura”: the Representation of Mediterranean Nature in Italian Contemporary Sacred ArtSculptures of Pericle Fazzini (1913-1987)
The Material and Symbolic Potential of Nature in Britain since the 1960s
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