Problems in Mathematics 1 (with solutions): Study material for the course Mathematics 1 (63506A)


Damir Franetič
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Peter Marijan Kink
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko

Kratka vsebina

The following pages contain a representative selection of tasks and problems which appeared at problem sessions, midterms and final (computational) exams at the course Mathematics 1 for the first year students of master’s study programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. Individual tasks in each section are in no specific order.
The idea is that you, the reader, attempt to solve an exercise regardless of its perceived difficulty. Nonetheless, the solution to each problem is linked at the right edge, via e.g. (solution 3.17), while each solution contains a link back to the problem, e.g. . . . to problem 3.17. While immediate reading of the solutions may seem tempting, arriving at the solution by yourself is much more rewarding.


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11 April 2024

Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji

ISBN-13 (15)


Kako citirati

Franetič, D., & Marijan Kink, P. (2024). Problems in Mathematics 1 (with solutions): Study material for the course Mathematics 1 (63506A). Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.