Dictionary of Modern Slovene: Problems and Solutions
Ključne besede:
Dictionary, Modern Slovene, Slovene languageKratka vsebina
In the autumn of 2015 we published a monograph titled Slovar sodobne slovenščine: problemi in rešitve (Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete UL, 660 pages), which presents the results of studies focussed on some of the key questions in the conceptualisation of a state-of-the-art dictionary of Slovene; a dictionary that would address the challenges of modern lexicography, and would promote Slovenian lexicographic theory and practice internationally. Although the monograph focussed on the Slovene language, the presentations of the results abroad have shown that the studies are also of great interest to colleagues in other countries. This led to the decision to make a selection of relevant chapters, and translate them or adapt them for international audience. Several contributions have been in the meantime published in international journals or conference proceedings, so this monograph contains only those that have not yet been published in English.
This monograph, containing 13 chapters, presents the compilation of a dictionary that utilizes different technologies available, and is conceptualised around language technologies, i.e. it uses state-of-the-art methods of language analysis, data extraction and data storage, and visualisation.
Technological Design of a State-of-the-art Digital Dictionary
Morphological Information in Modern Slovene Dictionaries
The Sloleks Morphological Lexicon and its Future Development
Dictionaries and Learning Slovene
Creative Writers as Dictionary Users:Creating in Language and with Language
Reference corpora revisited: expansion of the Gigafida corpusexpansion of the Gigafida corpus
The expansion of the Gigafida corpus:Internet content
Language Technologies and Corpus Encoding
Dictionary of Modern Slovene:lexicographical process
Dictionary examples
How specialised should a general dictionary be?
The potential of crowdsourcing in modern lexicography
Crowdsourcing workflows in lexicography
Name Index
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17 August 2018
Tiskane izdaje ISSN
Podrobnosti o formatu publikacije na voljo: PDF
ISBN-13 (15)
Date of first publication (11)
10. maj 2017
Kako citirati
Gorjanc, V., Gantar, P., Kosem, I., & Krek, S. (Eds.). (2018). Dictionary of Modern Slovene: Problems and Solutions. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789612379131