Priročnik za izvedbo pedagoške prakse v programu začetnega izobraževanja učiteljev angleščine


Lara Burazer
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
Janez Skela
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Ključne besede:

angleščina, izobraževanje učiteljev, pedagoška praksa

Kratka vsebina

Teaching Practice Handbook is an essential training guide for use during teaching practice placement, one of the requirements for students enrolled in the pedagogical track at the English Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The main purpose of a teaching practicum is to give students experience in teaching. As student-teachers, they will practise planning and delivering content, engaging students in the learning process, and reflecting on their teaching experi­ence. Accordingly, the teaching practicum design is largely set in the principles of the teacher as a ‘reflective practitioner’ – someone who reflects on the practice of their profession as a way of developing their expertise in it. As such, this approach can pro­vide a coherent framework that links theory and practice.


Naslovnica priročnika Teaching Practice Handbook for Pre-Service English Teacher Education



11 December 2024

Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji

ISBN-13 (15)


Kako citirati

Burazer, L., & Skela, J. (2024). Priročnik za izvedbo pedagoške prakse v programu začetnega izobraževanja učiteljev angleščine. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.