Filozofska pot Andreja Uleta


Olga Markič (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Maja Malec (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


Andrej Ule


Jubilej profesorja Andreja Uleta želimo počastiti s pričujočo knjigo, zbornikom prispevkov njegovih nekdanjih študentk in študentov, kolegic in kolegov, ki smo se v svojih člankih navezali na Uletovo filozofsko misel in predstavili široko paleto tem, ki jih na svoji filozofski poti premišljuje naš slavljenec.


  • Introduction
    Olga Markič, Maja Malec
  • Talk on Non-Existence without Additional Ontological Assumptions
    Andrej Ule
  • Does Philosophy Need a Unified Method?
    Marko Uršič
  • Philosophy of In-Betweenness: The Logico-aporical Dimension of Ule’s Philosophical Thought
    Sebastjan Vörös
  • Are Thought Experiments Done in the Head? Ule, Wittgenstein and Enactments in Thought
    Nenad Miščević
  • The Unreachability of Truth: Science, Ethics and Frankfurt’s Bullshit
    Boris Vezjak
  • Categories of Reason and Cause in the Epistemology of Social Sciences
    Franc Mali
  • Science and Values
    Olga Markič
  • How is Logic Possible?
    Žiga Knap
  • Mathematics and the World – The Concept of Experiment
    Majda Trobok
  • Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein on Ontological Status and Apriority of Logic
    Maja Malec
  • Complex Thought and Scientific Theories
    Andrej Ule, Zoran Primorac
  • Ule on Rule-Following
    Borut Cerkovnik
  • Deep Disagreement and the Limits of Argumentation
    Danilo Šuster
  • From Argument to Argumentative Dialogue
    Nenad Smokrović
  • A Question of Objectivity
    Thomas Hölscher
  • The Quantum-mechanical Problem of Measuring as a Metaphor for Consciousness Research
    Urban Kordeš
  • Naturalizing Phenomenology and Some Implications for Cognitive Science
    Toma Strle
  • Wittgenstein on Faith: Certainty, Therapy, and Theology as Grammar
    Bojan Žalec
  • Comparative Philosophy and Universal Ethics – A Dialogue with Andrej Ule
    Jana S. Rošker
  • Philosophy – Transformative Possibility
    Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
  • Belief in Rational Practice, Epistemic Sociality and Epistemic Culture
    Nijaz Ibrulj
  • Anthropology in Philosophical Reflection: Ethnography as Pre-Philosophy and Anthropology as Philosophy that Includes People
    Rajko Muršič
  • Dolgi pohod na poti, ki izginja
    Andrej Ule
  • Izbrana bibliografija red. prof. dr. Andreja Uleta
    Ana Mehle, Mateja Kralj


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May 8, 2019


Details about the available publication format: PDF


Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Ule, A. (2019). Filozofska pot Andreja Uleta (O. Markič & M. Malec , Eds.). University of Ljubljana Press.