Prezentizem in bolniško nadomestilo samozaposlenih
sociologija, Prezentizem, bolniško nadomestilo, samozaposleniSynopsis
The monograph empirically examines presenteeism (work in a state of illness) among the self-employed, its causes and consequences. In particular, it focuses on the problem of the impossibility of taking short-term sick leave due to the absence of sick pay insurance coverage during the first 30 working days. In the penultimate chapter, it develops, justifies, and financially evaluates a proposal for a systemic solution to this problem, in the form of a new compulsory insurance. In the final chapter, it presents an evaluation of this proposal based on discussions with representatives of stakeholder organisations and assesses the political possibilities for its implementation.
Sociološki pogled na prekarnost
Vpliv prekarnega dela na zdravje
Ekonomska teorija obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja
Položaj samozaposlenih oseb v Slovenij
Analiza rezultatov ankete
Analiza intervjujev
Predlog dodatnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja za hitrejše kritje bolniškega denarnega nadomestila samozaposlenih
Deležniška evalvacija predloga dodatnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja in ocena izvedljivosti