How to Motivate Employees: Psychological Approaches


Eva Boštjančič (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
Andreja Petrovčič (ed)


psychological approaches, employees, ideas, psychology


This monograph presents an overview of different approaches to teaching and encouraging employees in their development. At the same time it opens up new challenges for research in the fields of employee motivation, dynamism and training. Because all chapters are structured in the same way, reading is straightforward and fast, but at the same time it encourages reflection and additional research. Although the book is primarily intended to examine work with employees, the methods discussed can also be used in other areas (e.g. community education, guidance for adults, and social work with adults).


  • Preface
    Eva Boštjančič
  • Autogenic Training
    Maša Matavš
  • Offshoring
    Katja Trdan
  • Focus Groups
    Žan Lep
  • Hackathon
    Eva Boštjančič, Saša Bajc
  • Intervision
    Vika Novak
  • Exit Interview
    Katja Habuš
  • Career Speed Dating
    Anita Vončina
  • Career Counselling when Changing Career
    Milena Šokčević
  • Kirkpatrick's Model for Evaluating Human Resource Development and Training
    Eva Boštjančič, Monika Špital
  • Big Data and Sabermetrics
    Žiga Kovačič, Maja Vovko
  • Cross-cultural Training
    Tina Oblak
  • 360-degree Feedback
    Rosa Kozic
  • Job Shadowing
    Andreja Petrovčič, Nina Kocbek
  • Swiss Career Qualification Programme (CH-Q)
    Andreja Petrovčič
  • Success Case Method
    Andreja Petrovčič, Kristina Ferjančič
  • Motivational Interview
    Neža Podlogar
  • Nudges
    Eva Boštjančič
  • Performance Appraisal
    Eva Boštjančič, Petra Krašovec
  • Corporate University
    Andreja Petrovčič, Kaja Galič
  • Onboarding
    Andreja Petrovčič, Zala Slana
  • Stay Interview
    Zala Konda
  • The Business and Personal Business Model Canvas
    Urška Česnik
  • Serious Games
    Karmen Vehovec
  • Job Rotation
    Eva Boštjančič, Maruša Cvek
  • Succession Planning
    Nastja Cindy Zupančič
  • Mystery Shopping
    Gaja Škerlj
  • Design Thinking
    Manca Jelenčič
  • Online Interventions for Work Engagement
    Amadeja Lah
  • Webinar
    Klavdija Repnik Šernek
  • Respect in the Workplace
    Urška Burian
  • Supervision
    Nejc Ašič
  • Team-building in Sports Teams
    Ana Rejec
  • Behaviour Modeling Training
    Daša Dolenc
  • Talent Management
    Andreja Petrovčič, Zala Špat
  • Video Surveillance in Work Organizations
    Tjaša Vitez
  • Virtual Assessment Centre
    Blaž Šubic


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September 15, 2020


How to Cite

Boštjančič, E., & Petrovčič, A. (Eds.). (2020). How to Motivate Employees: Psychological Approaches. University of Ljubljana Press.