Heritage of the First World War: Representations and Reinterpretations


Jurij Fikfak (ed)
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Božidar Jezernik (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


heritage-making, heritage status, monuments, historical interpretations, commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the First World War


The research project Heritage of the First World War: Representations and Reinterpretations dealt with the processes of heritage-making, the production and modification of the heritage status of objects, monuments, memorial parks/routes or landscapes, and with orientations of heritage development, especially in the context of the commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the First World War. Depending on various currents of influence, heritage changes over time, and so we believe that narratives of heritage are in fact narratives of the contexts in which it is established, instrumentalised, developed, selected, catalogued, given meaning and filled in; or neglected, destroyed, sometimes reconstructed or even constructed.

Our research focused on those monuments, sites and routes of memory (memorials, cemeteries, churches, etc.) that were created during the First World War or later as monuments of its memory. We observed the temporal dynamics of the emergence, decay and promotion of the monuments and their different historical interpretations, which, especially in the period following the Cold War, in addition to their mnemonic function, also played a role as channels of the international cooperation developing throughout Europe, as well as a tourist-economic role.


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January 22, 2021

How to Cite

Hazler, V., Moric, A., Repič, J., Kravanja, B., Bajuk Senčar, T., Velikonja, M., Simonič, P., Bartulović, A., & Kozorog, M. (2021). Heritage of the First World War: Representations and Reinterpretations (J. Fikfak & B. Jezernik , Eds.). University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789610604143