Kriza kot nevarnost in upanje: etika pandemij, razcvet avtokracij in sanje o avtonomiji v transkulturni perspektivi


Jana S. Rošker
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


covid-19, global crisis, racism, essentialism, Confucian ethics, global ethics


As the title of this book suggests, the author deals with the subject of global crisis situations through the lens of transcultural studies. The main motive of the writing is the desire to be able to extract some general and universal benefits from various culturally conditioned reflections on crises and the intersecting methods, procedures and measures for their resolution. The author does not understand the concept of crisis in the orthodox sense of an exclusively difficult and problematic situation. Rather, she assumes that crisis as a social phenomenon is not always something negative, but also something that can encourage us to reflect on our entrenched views of reality, on our daily actions and, above all, on how we see ourselves and our place in the world.


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March 22, 2021

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How to Cite

Rošker, J. S. (2021). Kriza kot nevarnost in upanje: etika pandemij, razcvet avtokracij in sanje o avtonomiji v transkulturni perspektivi. University of Ljubljana Press.