Judicial Insignia in the European and Slovene Legal Tradition


Vid Žepič, Katedra za pravno zgodovino Pravne fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani; Tomaž Nabergoj, Narodni muzej Slovenije; Polona Vidmar, Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru; Igor Zemljič, Centralna pravosodna knjižnica; Damijan Florjančič, Vrhovno sodišče RS


Judicial Insignia


In spite of the variety and multitude of judicial authorities, a survey of the judicial insignia in continental Europe between the High Middle Ages and 18th century reveals a surprising uniformity and constancy both in the particular as well as in the ius commune legal tradition. The exterior signs of delegated judicial authority in pre-codification continental Europe manifested themselves in a rather consistent appearance because they reflected a common idea of a delegation of judicial authority, which was to be accompanied by the visual transfer of materialised symbols. Insignia formed the identity of the judge and served as a reminder of the presence of a political institution of a transpersonal character: the judicial authority was hence represented through the display of the insignia. In the first part of the monograph the Rod of Justice, the sword of Justice, the Judge‘s chair, his robes and the book that figure prominently in the medieval illuminations and Early-Modern depictions, are presented together with rich illustrations. The second part offers a historical micro-study on the Judge‘s sword, the sword‘s sheath and the Judge‘s mace, commissioned by the town judge of Ptuj in 1555. It includes a detailed description of these objects, information about their structure and manufacture, a more precise typological and chronological determination. Finally yet importantly, the monograph presents the most telling illuminations from Justinian‘s Institutions as well as The Criminal Code of Bamberg (Bambergische Halsgerichtsordnung), which are the oldest books with legal content preserved in the Central Judicial Library of Supreme Court of Slovenia.   


  • Predgovor
    Damijan Florjančič
  • Sodniške insignije v evropskem pravnem izročilu
    Vid Žepič
  • Slovenske sodniške insignije
    Tomaž Nabergoj
  • Zgodovinski oris uporabe in pomena sodniških insignij na Ptuju
    Polona Vidmar
  • Upodobitve sodnikov in njihovih insignij v najstarejših knjigah Centralne pravosodne knjižnice
    Igor Zemljič


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March 23, 2023

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Žepič, V., & Zemljič, I. (Eds.). (2023). Judicial Insignia in the European and Slovene Legal Tradition. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.51940/9789617162097