Análisis de errores en la interlengua de aprendices de ELE universitarios checos y eslovacos (Error Analysis in the Interlanguage of Czech and Slovak University Students of Spanish as a Second Language.)


Cristina Rodríguez García
Universidad Masaryk de Brno, República Checa


Spanish as a Foreign Language, Español Lengua Extranjera


La presente obra recoge la investigación realizada para nuestra tesis doctoral, Análisis de errores en la interlengua de aprendices de ELE universitarios checos y eslovacos, defendida en la Universidad Masaryk de Brno, República Checa, en febrero de 2020 y dirigida por el profesor doc. Mgr. Ivo Buzek, Ph.D.

The monograph studies the written interlanguage in Spanish of a group of Czech and Slovak university students, focusing on analysis of their errors. The main purpose of this study is to find a pattern in these errors and to understand their evolution from the beginning to the end of the three-year bachelor program of Spanish Language and Literature at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic).


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January 1, 2021



How to Cite

Rodríguez García, C. (2021). Análisis de errores en la interlengua de aprendices de ELE universitarios checos y eslovacos (Error Analysis in the Interlanguage of Czech and Slovak University Students of Spanish as a Second Language.) (Vol. 1). University of Ljubljana Press.