Dediščina spomenikov prve svetovne vojne: vojaška pokopališča, kapelice, spomeniki in spominska znamenja


Vito Hazler
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


first world war, monuments, heritage, military cemeteries, chapels, memorials


The aim of this multi-year research project into the legacy of military cemeteries, chapels, monuments and memorials was first and foremost to compile a cumulative list and gain insight into the spatial, temporal, material, visual and, above all, social and societal dimensions of most of the components of our, and to some extent also foreign, cultural heritage that preserves the memory of the First World War. It was a conflict that, for the first time in human history, resulted in massive casualties on both sides, the then Central and Entente Powers. As a result, the content of the present text focuses mainly on developments along the battlefields and their rear areas, where the military authorities of both belligerent sides had the first front-line military hospitals, as well as cemeteries where fallen soldiers from the front and the deceased wounded soldiers were buried. As such, in the immediate hinterland of the battle lines in Slovenia, especially in the hinterland of the Isonzo Front (Soška fronta), a number of military cemeteries were created, as well as various memorials and chapels, and also a Muslim mosque, where, in addition to the religious funerary rites, the military authorities also (or even mainly) allowed religious rites to be performed for the religious care of those who wished to receive it.


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December 19, 2023

How to Cite

Hazler, V. (2023). Dediščina spomenikov prve svetovne vojne: vojaška pokopališča, kapelice, spomeniki in spominska znamenja. University of Ljubljana Press.