Kovidna krajina: ranljivosti v času pandemije


Tamara Giles-Vernick, Institut Pasteur; Uršula Lipovec Čebron, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts; Sara Pistotnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts; Anja Brunec, NIJZ; Juš Škraban, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of social work; Tisa Kučan Lah; Vanja Germ; Jasmina Kuduzović; Neža Vodopivec


COVID-19 pandemic, access to health care, mental health, vulnerabilities


The present monograph has a few distinctive features among the many COVID and post-COVID publications. First, it is the result of the international project Sonar-Global - A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance (2019–2022), which simultaneously conducted a large-scale qualitative study on the health, social, economic, and other consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in five countries (France, Italy, Malta, Germany, Slovenia). Second, it is distinctive due to its methodology, as its research took place in the field during the pandemic, where extensive ethnographic material was collected: semi-structured interviews were conducted with 214 interlocutors in Ljubljana and the Pomurje region in the first half of 2021. Among the interlocutors were many socially marginalized individuals who are typically overlooked in quantitative research. Third, the monograph presents the collected contributions primarily of younger authors who participated in various ways in the Sonar-Global project, and who carried out most of the fieldwork of the Slovene part of the project. As will be clear from the brief descriptions of the individual chapters, the authors have focused their contributions on some of the themes that have proved crucial in thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic and its long-term effects on social life in Slovenia and beyond.


  • Foreword
    Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • O nastajanju Kovidne krajine
    Uršula Lipovec Čebron, Sara Pistotnik
  • Raziskovanje ranljivosti in odpornosti v času pandemije covid-19
    Uršula Lipovec Čebron
  • »Ostanimo doma«
    kaj se je med pandemijo dogajalo med štirimi stenami?
    Anja Brunec
  • Dostopnost zdravstvene oskrbe v času pandemije
    normalizacija izrednih razmer
    Sara Pistotnik
  • Pandemija v totalnih ustanovah
    zamujena priložnost za dezinstitucionalizacijo
    Juš Škraban
  • Vpliv pandemije covida-19 na duševno zdravje mladih odraslih
    Tisa Kučan Lah
  • Cepiti se ali ne cepiti se
    dejavniki oklevanja s cepljenjem proti covidu-19
    Vanja Germ
  • (Ne)dostopnost zdravstvenega zavarovanja in težave s prehajanjem meja v času pandemije covida-19
    Jasmina Kuduzović
  • Solidarnost ter viri podpore in pomoči med pandemijo covida-19
    Neža Vodopivec


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January 3, 2024

How to Cite

Lipovec Čebron, U., Pistotnik, S., Kuduzović, J., & Vodopivec, N. (Eds.). (2024). Kovidna krajina: ranljivosti v času pandemije. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789612972363