Campaigning for Equality: The Frames of Homophobia in Slovenia


Roman Kuhar
Iztok Šori


homofobija, enakost, istospolne družine, otroci iz istospolnih družin


This handbook was developed as part of the DARE project (Dare to Care about Equality),whose goals included an analysis of the discourses directed against the equal rights of the LGBT community in Slovenia, the examination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and the preparation of suitable strategies to fight homophobia, mainly through the processes of education and awareness-raising.



  • Prizadevanja za enakost
  • Campaigning for Equality


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Author Biographies

Roman Kuhar

Roman Kuhar is a professor of sociology at the Department of Sociology (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana), and teaches courses on gender, sexuality, LGBT, popular culture and everyday life. He holds a PhD in sociology and is currently the head of the Department of Sociology (2014 – 2017) and the head of its research unit.

He has been affiliated with the Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies from 2000 to 2015. He worked as a researcher on numerous European research projects on gender equality, discrimination of LGBT, homophobia, citizenship and human rights, including Intimate Citizenship (The Rights to have Rights: Implementing Active Citizenship), Quing (Equality in Gender+ Equality Policies), and Citizens in Diversity: A Four-Nation Study on Homophobia and Fundamental Rights.

Iztok Šori

Iztok Šori, doktor socioloških znanosti (Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2012), je raziskovalec na Mirovnem inštitutu. Zanimajo ga zlasti presečišča spola, migracij in dela, ki jih raziskuje znotraj različnih družbenih polj (seksualno delo, politika, zasebna življenja). Sodeloval je pri več raziskovalnih projektih, ki so tematizirali enakost spolov, politično reprezentacijo in emancipacijo, prostitucijo, trgovanje z ljudmi, rasizem, populizem, migracije in življenjske stile. Leta 2015 je izdal knjigo Samskost: Med ideologijo družine in ideologijo izbire (Aristej).




July 15, 2018


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)

20 September 2017

How to Cite

Kuhar, R., & Šori, I. (2018). Campaigning for Equality: The Frames of Homophobia in Slovenia. University of Ljubljana Press.