Virtual reconstructions and computer visualisations in archaeological practice


Predrag Novaković (ed)
Nenad Tasić (ed)
Milan Horňák (ed)

Ključne besede:

arheologija, virtualne rekonstrukcije, 3D-grafike

Kratka vsebina

Virtual reconstructions have become an item in archaeology only recently, in the course of the last decade, primarily thanks to the appearance and availability of fast hand-held devices. To have in the pocket state-of-the-art device which can render 3D graphics in HD effortlessly was the trigger for this, now rather widespread, phenomenon.


  • Content
  • Conpra project publications and the practice of preventive archaeology
    Predrag Novaković
  • Introduction to virtual reconstructions
    Nenad Tasić
  • About digital field documentation
    Nenad Tasić
  • Physical vs. virtual reconstruction
    Stevan Đuričić
  • Brief overview of examples of VR projects
    Milan Horňák, Zuzana Rejdovianová, Andrej Žitňan, Jiri Hrubý, Daniel Hlásek
  • Virtual reconstruction of the Vinča-Belo brdo site
    Jugoslav Pendić
  • A comparison of different software solutions for 3d modelling
    Milan Horňák, Zuzana Rejdovianová, Andrej Žitňan, Jiri Hrubý, Daniel Hlásek
  • Examples of good practice in 3d visualisation in preventive archaeology
    Milan Horňák
  • Augmented reality as an output
    Nenad Tasić
  • 2d and 3d visual products: first step towards virtual reconstructions
    Ján Zachar
  • Summary and concluding remarks
    Predrag Novaković, Nenad Tasić
  • Bibliography and Recommended Further Reading
  • Subject Index


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Biografija avtorja

Predrag Novaković

Predrag Novaković je arheolog in pedagog. Doktoriral je iz arheologije na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot raziskovalec se ukvarja z arheološko teorijo, zgodovino vede, prostorsko in krajinsko arheologijo, geografskimi informacijskimi sistemi in arheološko metodologijo. V letih 1998–2000 je bil gostujoči predavatelj na Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche, Università degli Studi, Pisa (Italija). Od leta 1993 je zaposlen na Oddelku za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer kot redni profesor poučuje zgodovino arheologije, arheološko teorijo, prostorsko in krajinsko arheologijo ter geografske informacijske sisteme.



26 July 2018


Podrobnosti o monografski publikaciji

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)

15 November 2017


Kako citirati

Novaković, P., Tasić, N., & Horňák, M. (Eds.). (2018). Virtual reconstructions and computer visualisations in archaeological practice. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.