Identities at the Crossroads of Crises


Roman Kuhar (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


autonomy, identity, migration, intimacy, religion, culture, relationship between the nation state and processes of (de)globalization, collective identities


Identities at the Crossroads of Crises is the result of work carried out within the programme group “Problems of Autonomy and Identities in the Time of Globalization.” The group members are conducting research into various topics, the common denominator of this research being that of connecting the question of the (in)stability of identities and of autonomy in a nation-state context and how they confront processes affecting the global sphere. The research work covers five areas, focussing on the intersectional effects of these areas: autonomy and identity, migration, intimacy, religion, and culture. These areas also make up the thematic frameworks found in this monograph, even if we have divided the book into four sections: the introductory text discusses identity in the contemporary world in the relationship between the nation state and processes of (de)globalization; the second section deals with majority collective identities – both national and European identities; the third section deals with minority identities in the political, legal, and sociological context of human rights and equality policies; and the final section considers identities specifically within the context of culture and cultural representations.


  • Introduction: Identities at the Crossroads of Crises
  • Globalna kompleksnost in njeni lokalni odmevi
    Damjan Mandelc
  • (Post)krizni vzpon nacionalizmov v Evropski uniji in evropska identiteta: pogled razmerja skozi historično prizmo
    Marinko Banjac
  • Rekonstrukcija nacionalne identitete v času deglobalizacije
    Ana Ješe Perković
  • Nove artikulacije izključevanja Drugih: od izbrisanih do tujcev
    Tjaša Učakar
  • Identitetna gibanja in politike spola in seksualnosti v Sloveniji
    Milica Antić Gaber, Roman Kuhar
  • Vpliv sekularizacije in razumevanje pluralizma med muslimanskimi skupnostmi v Sloveniji
    Anja Zalta
  • Spremembe interpretativnega okvira informacijskih medijev v Sloveniji od leta 1990 do danes in spremembe v njihovih reprezentacijah izbranih družbenih manjšin
    Jože Vogrinc
  • Čefurji raus! Večkulturna zamišljanja slovenske identitete v knjigi in filmu
    Ana Vogrinčič Čepič, Polona Petek
  • Povzetek
  • Summary


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March 21, 2019

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Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

(Ed.). (2019). Identities at the Crossroads of Crises. University of Ljubljana Press.