The Living Pedagogical Thought of Zdenko Medveš


Robi Kroflič (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Tadej Vidmar (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Klara Skubic Ermenc (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


eightieth anniversary, pedagogical paradigms, sensualist and naturalistic theories, development of theoretical educational concepts


The monograph The Living Pedagogical Thought of Zdenko Medveš was conceived to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the education scholar Dr Zdenko Medveš, Professor Emeritus at the University of Ljubljana. It publishes the Professor’s latest research findings along with the responses of his students and colleagues to some of his theoretical reflections and considerations. The first part of the book contains Medveš’s new text, “To Lead, Let Grow or Enable Self-Organization?” In it, Medveš critically addresses the theoretical break between sensualist and naturalistic theories, which impacted the emergence of pedagogical paradigms from the origins of the Enlightenment. At the same time, the author demonstrates that fruitful, theoretically convincing and science-based pedagogical thought that follows the Enlightenment ideal of educating an autonomous individual can develop only from the dynamics of intertwining the external and internal factors of human development, something already sensed by Herbart and Rousseau, the classical authors of pedagogical thought.


  • Uvodnik
  • Voditi, pustiti rasti ali vzburiti samoorganizacijo
    Zdenko Medveš
  • Klasifikacija pedagoških paradigem v Sloveniji
    Edvard Protner
  • Primerjalnozgodovinski pristop k poklicnemu izobraževanju učiteljev
    Nataša Vujisić Živković
  • Inkluzija otrok ni mogoča brez inkluzije izobraževanja učiteljev
    Mojca Peček
  • Katera vzgojna paradigma najbolje podpira uresničevanje inkluzivnosti?
    Irena Lesar
  • Šolnine in vprašanje pravičnosti
    Zdenko Kodelja
  • Raba metafor v pedagogiki
    Robi Kroflič
  • Splošna in poklicna izobrazba, kompetence in instrumentalizacija izobrazbe
    Klara Skubic Ermenc
  • Intervju z Zdenkom Medvešem o razvoju vzgojno-teoretskih konceptov
    Robi Kroflič


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November 19, 2020

How to Cite

Kroflič, R., Vidmar, T., & Skubic Ermenc, K. (Eds.). (2020). The Living Pedagogical Thought of Zdenko Medveš. University of Ljubljana Press.