Egyptian Eremitism
monasticism, Egypt, anchorites, Desert Fathers, cenobitic monasticism, PachomiusSynopsis
This volume, published in cooperation with the Institute for Monastic Studies and Contemplative Sciences, includes written contributions from a series of lectures on the topic of Egyptian eremitism and monasticism that was organised at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, as part of the course “Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy”. The articles address various aspects of the spirituality, philosophy, and literature of early Egyptian desert monasticism, as well as their impact on subsequent history of philosophy and Christianity.
The book concludes with an appendix containing a translation of the famous Rule of Saint Pachomius (Regula Pachomii), which via Saint Benedict’s Rule greatly influenced the further development of the medieval monasticism.
Filozofija puščaveUvodnik
Meništvo v Egiptu
Puščavnik, njegov škof in njuni demoniO Atanazijevem življenjepisu Antona Velikega
Iz samote v skupnostO življenjepisu svetega Pahomija
Evagrij Pontski in njegova »safirna« mistika
Kontemplativna molitev v puščavskem izročilu in hezihastični duhovnosti
Romarska pričevanja o puščavskih očetih
Obrazi puščaveSlikovno gradivo
Latinski cerkveni očetje in aristokratske ženske v puščavah Egipta
Filokalija in egiptovska meniška tradicija
Janez Kasijan in prenos egiptovske meniške izkušnje na Zahod
Sopotja zgodnjega puščavništva v Egiptu in Indiji
Pahomijevo pravilo
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