Challenges and Practices of Teaching Psychology in Secondary Schools
grammar schools, secondary vocational education, didactics of psychology, psychology teachers, social and emotional learningSynopsis
Psychological literacy is an important lifelong skill that people should develop to the fullest extent, as it will make it easier for them to achieve their personal, professional, and social needs and goals. A psychologically literate individual masters psychological knowledge and skills, which they then apply directly in life: they solve problems at intrapersonal and interpersonal levels more easily, perceive and understand themselves and others better, communicate more skillfully in different contexts, better understand different events and phenomena in narrower and broader social contexts, are committed to ethical conduct and respect for diversity. Various psychological organizations in Europe and around the world are striving to ensure that psychological literacy for all students begins during primary and secondary education rather than at the university level. In this monograph, the authors, who are teachers of psychology at the secondary and university levels, present the teaching of psychology in Slovenian secondary schools, which has a long tradition.
Pouk psihologije doma in po svetu
Učni načrt za psihologijo v gimnazijah in poučevanje psihologije s perspektive učiteljev psihologije
Poučevanje psihologije v srednjem strokovnem izobraževanjuPrimerjalna analiza dokumentov za poučevanje psihologije ter modula razvoj in učenje predšolskega otroka v programu predšolska vzgoja
Profesionalni razvoj učitelja psihologije
Igra vlog kot pristop za spodbujanje socialnega in emocionalnega učenja pri pouku psihologije
Vloga predmeta psihologija v interdisciplinarnem tematskem sklopu
Kritično mišljenje pri pouku psihologijeNe le učiti se psihologijo, ampak tudi kritično misliti s psihologijo in o njej
Pouk psihologije na daljavo v času epidemije
Didaktika psihologije kot del izobraževanja bodočih učiteljev psihologije
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