Navzkrižja svetov: študije o slovenski dramatiki


Mateja Pezdirc Bartol
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


Slovenian drama, modernity, Ivan Cankar, literary-historical and literary-theoretical approaches, theatre studies


The scientific monograph The Collision of The Worlds: Studies on Slovenian Drama contains eleven studies, all of which are connected by a common red thread – Slovenian drama in reverse chronological order, from modernity to the beginnings of modern Slovenian drama to Ivan Cankar –, as well as by the shared methodological framework in which literary-historical and literary-theoretical approaches are combined with theatre studies, and culturological, sociological, historical, anthropological and other perspectives.


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September 22, 2021

How to Cite

Pezdirc Bartol, M. (2021). Navzkrižja svetov: študije o slovenski dramatiki. University of Ljubljana Press.