Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec


Borut Mikulec (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Sonja Kump (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Tadej Košmerl (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


learning of older people in the community, education of older people in the community, informal learning in public spaces, implementation of active democratic citizenship, professional development of adult educators, guidance and counselling in adult education


The present monograph Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Ed­ucation Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec was initiated by the Slovenian adult edu­cation community on the occasion of the much too early departure of Dr Sabina Jelenc Krašovec, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, who left us at the end of 2020 after serious illness.

The book is designed as a dialogue with her educational and research work in which foreign and local authors critically reflect on her theoretical and practical ideas through their own research work and/or practice. It consists of an introduc­tory chapter followed by three thematic parts that were given special attention to by Sabina Jelenc Krašovec: learning and education of older people in the commu­nity, informal learning in public spaces and the implementation of active demo­cratic citizenship, professional development of adult educators and guidance and counselling in adult education.


  • Foreword
    Katarina Popović
  • In Memoriam
    Sabina Jelenc Krašovec
  • Editors’ Preface
    Borut Mikulec, Sonja Kump, Tadej Košmerl
  • Uvodnik
    Borut Mikulec, Sonja Kump, Tadej Košmerl
  • Introduction to the Adult Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec
    The Transformative Power of Adult Learning and Education
    Borut Mikulec, Sonja Kump
  • Uvod v andragoško dediščino Sabine Jelenc Krašovec
    Transformativna moč učenja in izobraževanja odraslih
    Borut Mikulec, Sonja Kump
  • Older Adults Informal Learning in the Community
    Snapshots from Research
    António Fragoso
  • The Mothership
    Exploring the Anatomy of One New Zealand Men’s Shed
    Barry Golding, Annette Foley
  • Therapeutic Virtual Landscapes
    An Exploration of Gendered Learning Spaces During the COVID-19 Lockdown
    Annette Foley
  • Researching Men’s Sheds in Australia
    Reflections from the Antipodes: A European Female Visitor and an Australian Male Guide
    Barry Golding, Małgorzata Malec Rawiński
  • Learning Opportunities for Older Persons in Residential Long-Term Care
    A Systematic Review
    Marvin Formosa
  • Zakaj ne skupaj
    Medgeneracijsko izobraževanje in učenje
    Nives Ličen, Dušana Findeisen
  • Informal Learning is Not Informal Education?
    Veronika Thalhammer, Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha
  • The Role of Adult Learning in the Community in Strengthening Democratic Participatory Practices
    Nikola Koruga, Tamara Nikolić, Aleksandar Bulajić
  • Vloga andragoga pri spodbujanju učenja in delovanja v javnem prostoru
    Meta Furlan
  • Izobraževanje za aktivno državljanstvo
    Vida A. Mohorčič Špolar
  • Usposabljanje mentorjev visokošolskih učiteljev o kompetencah za učinkovito vodenje praktičnega usposabljanja študentov
    Monika Govekar-Okoliš
  • O pomenu andragoškega svetovalnega dela za odraslega in za družbo
    Tanja Vilič Klenovšek


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December 10, 2021

How to Cite

Mikulec, B., Kump, S., & Košmerl, T. (Eds.). (2021). Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec. University of Ljubljana Press.