Karst Geomorphology of Slovenia


Uroš Stepišnik
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


karst, Slovenia, deep karst, shallow karst, fluviokarst, glaciokarst


The monograph Karst Geomorphology of Slovenia represents a thorough scientific contribution to the understanding of karst geomorphology in Slovenia. Its aim is not to create a new regional overview of karst, as several such works already exist, but rather to focus on the development and application of a new process geomorphological taxonomy or sys­tematization of karst adopted for the Slovenian karst. This is based on the interpretation of geo­morphological forms through the dominant geo­morphic processes. The monograph examines in detail two aspects of karst – the coverage of the surface with sediments and karst slope processes – which sig­nificantly influence the type and dynamics of the processes on the surface and thus shape the karst surface. Sediments on the surface are of crucial im­portance, as they affect the morphology of the sur­face in various ways and determine the direction of water flows. Slope processes in karst operate some­what differently than in other geomorphic systems.


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April 12, 2024

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ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Stepišnik, U. (2024). Karst Geomorphology of Slovenia. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789612973131