Anarhizem na Kitajskem na pragu 20. stoletja: primerjalna raziskava o teoriji države in anarhističnih idejah v kitajski in zahodni tradiciji


Jana S. Rošker
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Nina Kozinc


anarchism, China, Western tradition, theory of the state


The present work is a comparative study of anarchist ideas and state theories in the Chinese and Western traditions. The text was first written in German nearly forty years ago during the author's studies at the University of Vienna. The work, which was later updated and supplemented with newer sources, analyses how anarchist ideas were transmitted and adapted within the Chinese cultural and intellectual context in the early 20th century, focusing among other things on the transcultural interactions between European anarchist ideas and their reception in China. Also central to the discussion are ideas that originated in China and stemmed from the anarchist traditions in Chinese intellectual history. The significance of the monograph lies not only in presenting Chinese anar­chist ideas, but also in highlighting questions about how these ideas influ­enced the broader contexts of progressive Chinese political thought at the dawn of the 20th century, especially considering that many intellectuals, who later became prominent Communist leaders, were passionate and com­mitted anarchists in their youth.


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Cover of the monograph Anarhizem na Kitajskem na pragu 20. stoletja



June 28, 2024

Print ISSN


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Rošker, J. S. (2024). Anarhizem na Kitajskem na pragu 20. stoletja: primerjalna raziskava o teoriji države in anarhističnih idejah v kitajski in zahodni tradiciji (N. Kozinc , Trans.). University of Ljubljana Press.