Academic writing from cross-cultural perspectives: Exploring the synergies and interactions


Agnes Pisanski Peterlin (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Tamara Mikolič Južnič (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


academic discourse, intercultural rhetoric, research article, English as a lingua franca, reformulation, attitude markers, research grant proposal


This volume is the result of the mutual respect and fruitful cooperation of several researchers. As interest in academic discourse has been growing in Slovenia, as well as in the wider region, and shared research paradigms that take into consideration cross-cultural encounters in academic contexts are emerging, it seems important to create opportunities for interaction among scholars juxtaposing different lingua-cultures. With this edited volume, we wished to provide such an opportunity by bringing together researchers examining different language combinations, including those contrasting English as an academic lingua franca and L1 discourse, as well as experts investigating other languages and cultures. A central and recurring theme of the volume is the focus on the dynamic evolution of academic discourse conventions through language contact predominantly in Slovene, but also, in the context of the region, in Croatian and Serbian.


  • Introduction
    Exploring academic writing from cross-cultural perspectives
    Agnes Pisanski Peterlin, Tamara Mikolič Južnič
  • Development of Slovene specialized terminology in the 19th century through translations of mathematics and biology textbooks
    Tanja Žigon, Karin Almasy
  • Self-mentions as interactional metadiscourse strategies in Slovene and Croatian research article abstracts
    Tatjana Balažic Bulc
  • Between syntax and pragmatics
    Nominalization in Italian and Slovene academic discourse
    Tamara Mikolič Južnič
  • Conclusions in linguistics and applied linguistics research articles written in Spanish as a foreign language
    An intercultural rhetoric study
    Gemma Santiago Alonso, David Heredero Zorzo
  • The French research article
    An analysis of the current state of affairs in the domains of linguistics and the humanities
    Mojca Schlamberger Brezar
  • Competing for funding
    Contrasting Slovene and British genre conventions in research grant proposals
    Martina Paradiž
  • Translation of academic discourse from and into the lingua franca
    A corpus study of reformulation
    Agnes Pisanski Peterlin
  • Verbs of visual perception as evidentials in research article texts in English and Croatian
    Ivana Bašić
  • “I fully agree with you:-)”
    Graphic and lexical boosters and attitude markers on discussion forums
    Vesna Bogdanović, Vesna Bulatović


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April 23, 2020

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How to Cite

Pisanski Peterlin, A., & Mikolič Južnič, T. (Eds.). (2020). Academic writing from cross-cultural perspectives: Exploring the synergies and interactions. University of Ljubljana Press.