Govorna sporazumevalna zmožnost v angleščini kot tujem jeziku: slepe pege in izzivi v učenju in poučevanju ATJ


Mirjana Želježič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


formal language education, contemporary language teaching, communicative paradigm, critical thinking ability


This monograph focuses on the highest ranking goals within formal (foreign) language education: the development of communicative competence – which the communicative paradigm regards as the most important goal of contemporary language teaching, and of critical thinking ability – which is widely recognized as the main general education goal. The education documents that serve as the basis of EFL teaching in Slovenia (Strategies for Learning Democratic Citizenship, CEFR, EFL Grammar School Syllabus and English: Exam Catalogue for the Matura Exam) reflect the same theoretical orientation, linking the (vaguely defined) concept of critical thinking to the (vaguely defined) concept of democratic citizenship.


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June 24, 2020

How to Cite

Želježič, M. (2020). Govorna sporazumevalna zmožnost v angleščini kot tujem jeziku: slepe pege in izzivi v učenju in poučevanju ATJ. University of Ljubljana Press.