1968: čas upora, upanja in domišljije: zgodbe študentskega gibanja 1964–1974


Darko Štrajn (ed)
Educational Research Institute
Goranka Kreačič (ed)
Lado Planko (ed)
Cvetka Hedžet Tóth (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


1968, University of Ljubljana, rebellion, students, students movement


The collection of papers is dedicated to the student movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, to the images thereof after 50 years, as they remained in the memories of the participants and as viewed by some younger analysts. Their approaches to the topic range from the memories through reflections of the underlying experience to more general deliberations and analyses. Many a time the participating authors endeavour to thematize and explain their respective personal experience, analytically evaluate it, and place it in the context of the social processes in Yugoslavia, Europe, and the United States at the time, while explaining those processes themselves. The common denominator of the contributions is the understanding that the student movement cannot be viewed as a self-completed and self-consistent project, separated from the then social developments. It was close to a spontaneous reaction to concrete historical situations, which took place at different levels – such as the questioning of fundamental life patterns and values, as a theoretical, ethical, aesthetic or creative impulse, whereas the political issues, however, represent only one of the movement segments. The diachronous image of the movement seems to be similarly elusive, as there are several differences between the movement up to 1968, and between 1969 and 1974, the two movement phases being connected mainly by the recognition of and the decision to play the role of an active social entity, only secondary by their goals.


  • Petdeset let potem: živi spomin
    Darko Štrajn, Goranka Kreačič, Lado Planko
  • Idealizem in političnost v študentskem gibanju 1963/64
    Dušan Voglar
  • 1968 in Jugoslavija
  • Kako razumeti študentska gibanja?
    Darko Štrajn
  • Študentsko gibanje 1968 je bilo bistveni element »nove levice«
    Božidar Debenjak
  • Družbeno-kulturni konteksti študentskega gibanja; kaj pa študentke?
    Mirjana Nastran Ule
  • Študentsko gibanje je privedlo do pomembnih emancipatornih preobrazb v kulturi in družbi
    Andrej Ule
  • Revolucija in poezija
    Ivo Svetina
  • Spomini na leto 1968: človek je mnogo več kot samo privesek ekonomije
    Cvetka Hedžet Tóth
  • Po plimi pride oseka – pa kaj potem!
    Pavel Zgaga
  • Happening, v katerem uživa predvsem umetnik performer, ali moje leto 1968
    Lev Kreft
  • Politični boj ni nikoli boj za identiteto, ampak boj za univerzalno emancipacijo
    pogovor z dr. Mladenom Dolarjem
    Mitja Čander
  • Oseminšestdeseto v Ljubljani je bilo samosvoje
    Franci Pivec
  • Petdeseta obletnica '68
    Ciril Baškovič
  • Študentsko gibanje 1968–1974 in revija »2000«
    Peter Kovačič Peršin
  • Študenti v šoli zgodovine: Ljubljana, 1968–1971
    Bogomir Mihevc
  • TONE REMC – študentski poslanec
    Lenart Šetinc
  • Teoretične osnove komune v Šempasu
    Marko Pogačnik
  • Privid svobode
    Lado Planko
  • Mednarodni odbor Skupnosti študentov Univerze v Ljubljani 1969–1972
    Janez Stergar
  • Da revoluciji, ampak revoluciji v glavi
    pogovor z Milanom Deklevo
    Mitja Čander
  • 1968: Boj za sanje?
    Emil Milan Pintar
  • Leta, ki so pretresla svet in oblikovala generacijo
    za živ socializem
    Pavle Kristan
  • Gibanje OHO in pomen prevrata v umetnosti 60-ih let
    Marko Pogačnik
  • Jaša Zlobec: revolucionar in ... anarhist
    Andrej Medved
  • Pesniški podmladek študentskega gibanja 1968–72
    Boris A. Novak
  • Smo bile zraven? 1970–1971–1972 – in pozneje?
    Metka Zupančič
  • Nič ne bom napisal
    Milan Jesih
  • Radio Študent in študentsko gibanje
    Boris Muževič
  • Od svobode do kazenske kolonije
    Marjan Pungartnik
  • Od Pupilije Ferkeverk do študentskega gibanja
    Goranka Kreačič
  • Leta 1968–1972 v kadrih
    Želimir Žilnik
  • Literarni modernizem, teorija in politika »dolgega leta '68« med centrom in periferijo
    Marko Juvan
  • Hrup
    Mitja Čander
  • Vplivi hladnovojne propagande na sodobne interpretacije študentskih gibanj leta 1968
    Andraž Jež
  • Oddaljene neposrednosti: maj '68 med dogodkom in posledicami
    Rok Benčin
  • Študentsko gibanje 1968 znotraj družbenih konfliktov jugoslovanskega socializma
    Gorazd Kovačič
  • Monopol kritike: Ljubljansko sojenje študentom leta 1974
    Tomaž Ivešić
  • Povzetek
  • Abstract


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September 15, 2020

How to Cite

Štrajn, D., Kreačič, G., Planko, L., & Hedžet Tóth, C. (Eds.). (2020). 1968: čas upora, upanja in domišljije: zgodbe študentskega gibanja 1964–1974. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789610603702