From Antigone to Zola: Collected Writings
Slovene literature, Naturalism, comparative literature, versification, rhetoric, translatologySynopsis
The present monograph contains most of the scholarly and professional articles published by Professor Evald Koren during his lifetime, including the lecture notes Zola in teorija naturalističnega romana (Zola and the Theory of the Naturalistic Novel), which he published internally as study literature. The book is divided thematically into three chapters, in which the compositions follow one another in chronological order of publication; from this arrangement it is easy to see the direction in which the author's research interests developed.
The core articles of the first section discuss Zola's theory of naturalistic novel, explaining in detail the concepts of “naturalistic novel” and “experimental novel”, the problems of periodization of naturalism in the Slovene area and globally. The second consists mostly of longer book surveys of various contemporary publications in the field of literary studies. The articles focus on the question of the status of comparative literature as a young discipline within the broader frame of literary studies. The third section discusses the subject matter of literary imagery and its translation, both in terms of general theoretical knowledge as well as specific translating solutions.
Beseda urednice
Evald Koren, komparativist in perfekcionistSpremna beseda
Govekar, Zola in V krvi
Pugljeva proza ob ponovnem branju
Zola in teorija naturalističnega romana
Vprašanja ob periodizaciji slovenskega in evropskega naturalizma
Govekarjeva pomembna korespondenca
Misel, ki zanjo Antigona vztrajno išče smisel
Slovenski naturalizem in socialno vprašanje
Antični mit in slovenska zgodovinaMirana Jarca prolog k tragediji Vaška Antigona
Antigona v slovenski literaturiSituacija ali junakinja?
Nova verzija Govekarjevega romana V krvi
Zoran Konstantinović: Uvod u uporedno proučavanje književnosti
Rečnik književnih termina in primerjalna književnost
Primerjalna književnost na SlovenskemOb Kosovi Primerjalni zgodovini slovenske literature
Zoran Konstantinović: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
Primerjalna književnost in literarna vedaOb Chevrelovi La Littérature comparée
Komparativistična vita Janka Kosa
Literarna zgodovina med tradicionalno sklenjeno pripovedjo in virtualno sestavljanko
Je leksikon o germanistični literarni vedi lahko samo germanističen?
Primerjalna in nacionalna literarna veda
Dama, ki izgine, ali Je literatura v novi primerjalni književnosti in novih zgodovinah nacionalnih literatur resnično ogrožena?
O prevajanju pesniških podob
Prešernov posebni verzifikacijski hommage Matiju Čopu?
O prevajanju pesniškega podobja v Gospe Bovary
Ihanova »proza v pesmi«
Smrtna rima v prevodih Celanove Fuge smrti
Podčrtna opomba k Aristotelovi definiciji metafore
Slikovna priloga
Bibliografija Evalda Korena1965–2010
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