The Geographical Picture of Loški Potok
geomorphology, climate, hydrogeography, soil, vegetation, archaeology, history, local speech, landscape, air pollution, environmental vulnerabilitySynopsis
The monograph offers a good, very diverse and, above all, complex view of the landscape in question, which will undoubtedly be recognized by the professional public as a necessary basis for future impact assessments and the planning of new interventions. The special value of the publication lies in the fact that the basic geographical research and explanations of the landscape-forming components are complemented by the views of other disciplines on the historical development, and the formation of the local speech. It is an example of a study that is also the result of many years of field research by professors and students of geography as part of their fieldwork.
Geomorfološke značilnosti
Splošno in lokalno podnebje
Hidrogeografske značilnosti
Prsti in rastlinstvo
Arheološka najdišča Loškega Potoka in vpetost prostora v širšo regionalno podobo dinarskokraške pokrajine med prazgodovino in srednjim vekom
Začetki Loškega Potoka
Loškopotoški govor – naglas, glasoslovje in besedila
Potoška krajina včeraj, danes, jutri?
Onesnaženost zraka z delci in s črnim ogljikom
Študija ranljivosti okolja


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