Aristotelov spis O duši: Slovenski prevod Antona Doklerja iz leta 1933, Recepcija v srednjeveški in renesančni filozofiji


Franci Zore (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Jan Ciglenečki (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


Aristotle, On the Soul, Anton Dokler, Medieval and Renaissance reception


The commemorative monograph On the Soul by Aristotle, dedicated to Anton Dokler (1871 – 1943), a classical philologist, and his unpublished translation of Aristotle’s treatise from 1933, is divided into several thematic sections. The first section, titled “The Question of the Soul and the First Slovenian Translation of Aristotle”, written by editors Franci Zore and Jan Ciglenečki, provides an introduction to the topic with a brief reflection on the philosophical beginnings of the study of the soul in Ancient Greece, as well as the significant decline of the concept of the soul in modern philosophy and science.  The second – and central – section of the monograph brings about the unpub­lished translation of Aristotle’s On the Soul. The third section contains a comprehensive study by Matej Hriberšek on the life and work of Anton Dokler, who made his mark in the Slovenian intellectual tradition and history of education, mainly through his work in the field of classical philolo­gy and especially lexicography.  The fourth – and final – section of the monograph, edited by Kajetan Škraban and Jaka Klasinc, is titled “The Medieval and Renaissance Reception of Aristotle’s On the Soul”.


  • Vprašanje o duši in prvi slovenski prevod Aristotela
    Franci Zore, Jan Ciglenečki
  • Doklerjev prevod Aristotelovega spisa O duši in odlomka iz Platonove Države
    Aristotle, Anton Dokler, Plato
  • Vpogled v življenje in delo Antona Doklerja
    Matej Hriberšek
  • Srednjeveška in renesančna recepcija Aristotelovega spisa O duši
    Kajetan Škraban, Jaka Klasinc


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December 19, 2022

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Aristotle, Plato, Hriberšek, M., Škraban, K., & Klasinc, J. (2022). Aristotelov spis O duši: Slovenski prevod Antona Doklerja iz leta 1933, Recepcija v srednjeveški in renesančni filozofiji (F. Zore & J. Ciglenečki , Eds.; A. Dokler , Trans.). University of Ljubljana Press.