Janko Kos in slovenska primerjalna književnost
Janko Kos, comparative literature, history of Slovenian literatureSynopsis
The present book from the Historia facultatis series is dedicated to Janko Kos, professor emeritus at the University of Ljubljana. He was born a good decade after the founding of the Faculty of Arts and only a few years after the first lectures in comparative literature. This year, when the professor has two extensive monographs in the press, it will be seventy-five years since the publication of his first article in Mladinska revija. We initially conceived the book as a classic ≫festschrift≪ with which we wanted to honour the professor's ninetieth birthday, but the original plan changed for various reasons. In the course of time, the present monograph on the life and work of one of the founders of Slovenian comparative literature took shape. The individual chapters were written by the professor's former students, doctoral students, assistants, successors to the chair and, above all, by his pupils. They have discussed those of the professor's research areas that are also close to them, which means that their discussions are a kind of dialogue with Janko Kos.
Litteris comparativis semper deditus
O priimku Kos
Od rednega študenta do rednega profesorjaKosova študijska leta
Kos o Danteju, Boccacciu, Manzoniju
Kos o Zoisu
Kos o Goetheju
Kos in Cankar
Kos in Bartol
Kosovi pogledi na Biblijo
Ob Kosovi Primerjalni zgodovini slovenske literature
Kosova teorija lirike
Kos in učbeniki za književnost na sekundarni vzgojno-izobraževalni stopnji
Kos in filmska umetnost
Kos kot sekundarni avtor
Seznam predavanj Janka Kosa na Filozofski fakulteti (1970–2005)
Bibliografija Janka Kosa 1948–2023
Mentorstvo pri doktorskih disertacijah in magistrskih delih
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