Film, radio in televizija med pandemijo


Polona Petek, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television; Sandra Bašić Hrvatin; Irena Radej Miličić; Lidija Dujić; Jana Jedličková; Andrej Lukšič; Maja Krajnc; Darko Štrajn; Marcel Štefančič, jr.


Film, Radio, Television, Pandemic


Film, Radio and Television during the Pandemic brings together the research efforst of nine authors from three countries (Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic). They start with the premise that a pandemic is a complex social phenomenon actively co-shaped by the media. In contrast to most previous studies of communication during the pandemic, which scrutinise social networks and other online platforms, Film, Radio and Television during the Pandemic focuses on classical mass media (except print), which significantly marked the 20th century, whereas in the new millennium they have already been overshadowed by new ways of creating and disseminating media content. During the pandemic, these cards were shuffled again, while, at the same time, the dynamic pandemic developments in the fields of film, radio and television fitted neatly into the trends of media transformations that researchers have been detecting for a long time (the collapse of media factories, the decline of trust in mainstream media and media absenteeism, the key role of public services, transition from the cinematic into a post-cinematic regime, etc.) and which the pandemic has intensified and accelerated.


  • Film, radio in televizija med pandemijo: javni interes in mediji v izjemnem stanju
    Polona Petek
  • Lahko noč, in srečno
    Sandra Bašić Hrvatin
  • Meje dialoga: študija primera Ponedeljkove okrogle mize na Tretjem radijskem programu Hrvaške radiotelevizije v predpandemskem in pandemskem obdobju (2013‒2021)
    Irena Radej Miličić, Lidija Dujić
  • Uteha za starejše prebivalstvo: Uvedba programov za starejše na češki javni televiziji med zaprtjem družbe zaradi pandemije covida-19
    Jana Jedličková
  • »Uživajte, dokler lahko!«: Vloga javne televizije v lokalni sekuritizaciji pandemije koronavirusa
    Polona Petek, Andrej Lukšič
  • Steakhouse: otipljive podobe (psihičnega) nasilja
    Maja Krajnc
  • Pandemija, tehnologija in filmska forma
    Darko Štrajn
  • Glejte me! Kako krize spreminjajo naše gledanje filmov in kako nas pretočne platforme pripravljajo na življenje v nespečem kapitalizmu
    Marcel Štefančič, jr.


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February 20, 2024

How to Cite

Petek, P. (Ed.). (2024). Film, radio in televizija med pandemijo. University of Ljubljana Press.