Sociolingvistični okvir in tolmači v italijanskih fašističnih koncentracijskih taboriščih za jugoslovanske civiliste (1941–1943)


Marco Dorigo
University of Trieste, Italy


This article is based on a doctoral dissertation, and it discusses the linguistic situation in the Italian Fascist camps for Yugoslav civilians, especially the sociolinguistic framework and status of interpreters in them. These camps established by Fascist Italy operated from 1941 to 1943. The study presented is interdisciplinary in nature, combining a sociolinguistic perspective with translation studies, and taking into account the general historical context. The dissertation, which is briefly presented, is the first sociolinguistic study of Italian con­centration camps for Yugoslav civilians and of their interpreters. The work, currently only in Italian, promotes a greater awareness of the crimes committed by the Italian Fascist regime against Slovenian and Croatian civilians during Italy’s annexation of Slovenia and Croatia.



July 8, 2024

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How to Cite

Dorigo, M. (2024). Sociolingvistični okvir in tolmači v italijanskih fašističnih koncentracijskih taboriščih za jugoslovanske civiliste (1941–1943). In J. Vogel (Ed.), & (Ed.), 60th Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture: Metaphor in Slovene Language, Literature and Culture (pp. 83-89). University of Ljubljana Press.