57th Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture: Creative Women in Slovene Language, Literature and Culture
position of women, role of women, image of women, gender hierarchization, women's movementSynopsis
The contributions in the present book encourage reflection and evaluation of the women's movement in the relationship between gender and language, with particular attention to various aspects of language use in the function of gender hierarchization, as well as in Slovenian literature, while shedding light on the position of women artists in Slovenian art, science and culture. In the belief that the book can contribute to tolerance and understanding of others, regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, education, social status and position.
Spolski vidiki slovenskega jezika
Raba ženskih slovničnih oblik v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku
Seksistični grafiti in njihova preoblikovanja
Slovenske pravljičarke
Zofka Kveder kot kulturna posrednica
Nove poetike sodobnih slovenskih pesnic
Prispevek Luize Pesjak h konstituiranju slovenske kratke pripovedne proze
Ženske, izobrazba in družbena močDolga pot do vrhov akademskega polja
Stereotipna podoba ženske v slovenskih folklornih obrazcih
Prvih deset slovenskih doktoric filozofije
Ustvarjalke v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi skozi ulična poimenovanja
Sodobne slovenske dramatičarkeTematsko-formalne novosti in primera sodobnih dramskih besedil za osnovno in srednjo šolo
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