Odprte sociološke agende – globalizacija, demokracija in intelektualci


Rudi Rizman
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


phenomenon of globalization


This book argues for a more robust analytical, cognitive and theoretical understanding of sociological researching the phenomenon of globalization. Sociology in this respect contributed some inspiring steps by focusing first from studying the processes of globalization eventually to its structural aspects. Both endeavours contributed on the one hand toward enriching the extant conceptual repertoire in this research area and on the other toward overcoming the traditional methodological nationalism in favor of methodological globalism. All these efforts would not be sufficient by themselves if sociology would simply elaborate only its own methodological suppositions at the expense of taking into account as well the value-laden commitments concerning the necessary condition for humanly and socially embedded globalization, that is its democratization. Here the author primarily emphasizes the role of discourse of global civil society as the key and idispensable actor which can guarantee that globalization will or could work in accordance with the authentic interests of concerned human communities.


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June 30, 2021

How to Cite

Rizman, R. (2021). Odprte sociološke agende – globalizacija, demokracija in intelektualci. University of Ljubljana Press. https://doi.org/10.4312/9789610605027