New Grammar of Contemporary Standard Slovene: Sources and Methods


Špela Arhar Holdt (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


contemporary Slovene, grammatical data, corpus linguistics, machine extraction, open digital databases


The monograph "New Grammar of Contemporary Standard Slovene: Sources and Methods" was created as part of the national basic research project of the same name (Slovenian Research Agency, 2017-2020) and presents project results of three different types: new procedures for machine extraction of linguistic data from the Gigafida and GOS reference corpora (contemporary written and spoken Slovene), a new tool for user-friendly export of corpus data, and open-access databases with information from different linguistic levels. The new procedures and data are useful for a variety of purposes, from linguistic research to machine processing of contemporary Slovene, and ultimately for a corpus-based grammatical description of contemporary Slovene.


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December 6, 2021

How to Cite

Arhar Holdt, Špela (Ed.). (2021). New Grammar of Contemporary Standard Slovene: Sources and Methods. University of Ljubljana Press.