Contemporary School and Instruction in the Light of France Strmčnik’s Didactic Legacy


Damijan Štefanc (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Jana Kalin (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


teaching, education, didactics, pedagogy, teachers, teacher educators


The present monograph publishes theoretical reflections and empirical research findings from the various fields studied by France Strmčnik (10 July 1928 – 30 November 2020), Professor Emeritus at the University of Ljubljana. His teaching and research have influenced many generations of students, teachers and counsellors and have critically shaped the development of Slovenian educational science, especially didactics. The authors of the chapters draw on Professor Strmčnik’s rich legacy, his theoretical insights and professional views. Their relevance is assessed in the light of contemporary challenges in educational work, pedagogical theory and specific didactic considerations. In their contributions, they show how a particular didactic field has developed, to what extent Professor Strmčnik’s scientific views and professional efforts are still relevant today, how they have been implemented in the education system, and how much potential they hold for the further development of didactic theory and educational practice at different levels of education. The authors of the monograph are Professor Strmčnik’s colleagues, students and PhD students, these students’ students, as well as those who became acquainted with his work primarily through his numerous articles and scientific monographs.


  • Knjigi na pot
    Damijan Štefanc, Jana Kalin
  • Iskanje ravnovesja v vrtincu pedagoških teoretskih diskurzov
    Zdenko Medveš
  • Pomen didaktičnih načel za učiteljevo strokovno utemeljeno izbiro učnih oblik
    Romina Plešec Gasparič, Milena Valenčič Zuljan
  • Individualizacija, diferenciacija, personalizacija: ključne značilnosti in konceptualne razlike
    Damijan Štefanc
  • Prepoznavanje nadarjenih učencev in vzgojno-izobraževalno delo z njimi kot izziv učiteljeve pedagoške usposobljenosti
    Jana Kalin
  • Teoretska opredelitev problemskega pouka in njegova uveljavljenost v pedagoški praksi
    Milena Ivanuš Grmek, Marija Javornik, Monika Mithans
  • Izobraževanje in usposabljanje pedagoških delavcev za timsko delo kot udejanjanje osnovnih didaktičnih načel
    Alenka Polak
  • Programirani pouk v sodobnem, tehnološko podprtem okolju
    Matej Urbančič
  • Nameni učiteljevega ocenjevanja znanja
    Primerjava informativne in motivacijske vrednosti opisnih in številčnih ocen
    Mojca Žveglič Mihelič, Janez Vogrinc


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November 16, 2023

How to Cite

Štefanc, D., & Kalin, J. (Eds.). (2023). Contemporary School and Instruction in the Light of France Strmčnik’s Didactic Legacy. University of Ljubljana Press.